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Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai

Mumbai, India

Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai Mumbai India
Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai Mumbai India
Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai Mumbai India
Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai Mumbai India


New Age Wockhardt Hospitals, South metropolis, supported within the year 2014, was created with the vision of treating and healing thousands and a lot of lives. located at metropolis Central, within the heart of the city’s downtown, it's a 21-storeyed progressive tertiary care hospital. the simplest in Multi-Speciality Care, it focuses on important Care and additionally contains a premier Heart Care Institute in its facility. it's additionally recently inaugurated the Wockhardt Stroke Institute – to tackle cases of important emergencies and stroke and brings the very best quality of execs along in an exceedingly Stroke Support cluster, to assist patients retreat to to their traditional lives and create members of the family conscious of the hazards of this upset.

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547 procedures across 19 specialities

Allergy testing, also known as skin, prick, or blood testing is performed by a trained allergy specialist to determine if your body has an allergic reaction to a known substance. The exam can be in the form of a blood test, a skin test, or an elimination diet. Allergies occur when your immune system, which is your body’s natural defense, overreacts to something in your environment. Allergy testing can determine which particular pollens, molds, or other substances you’re aller

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Gastric Bypass Surgery treatments abroad. Gastric Bypass Surgery abroad Gastric bypass is just one of many types of bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, and is used to treat morbid obesity. Gastric bypass surgery works by dividing the stomach into a small upper pouch and a larger lower pouch and then connecting the small intestine to both. This changes the way in which the patient's body responds to food and reduces the amount of food the stomach can handle at one time, often

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Echocardiogram procedure abroad Echocardiogram or Echocardiography  is a test that uses sound waves to assess the heart by creating 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional images of the heart. It is a diagnostic test performed to detect any complications with the heart valves and chambers. The image of echocardiography is called an echocardiogram. It is key in determining the heart of the heart muscle . An echocardiogram is a painless test and considered very safe. The test does not use any

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Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) treatments abroad An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is an examination that detects how your heart is functioning by determining the electrical activity of the heart. With every heartbeat, an electrical impulse travels through your heart. The wave causes the muscle to squeeze and propel blood from the heart. The electrical activity of the heart is then computed, analyzed, and printed out. No electricity is sent into the body. An EKG will help your doctor under

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Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery treatments abroad Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common heart disease conditions and happens when cholesterol and other materials build up in the artery walls, narrowing the artery and reducing the blood supply to the heart. This leads to chest pain and in the worse cases to a stroke, which can damage the patient life quality or have even more serious consequences. One way to treat this condition is to provide the blood a new way

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Hemorrhoidectomy treatments abroad Hemorrhoids are a result of swollen veins in the rectum. They are usually placed in the lowest part of the anus and when they get of a considerable size and painful in a way that it gets very painful to discharge stool, the have to be treated surgically. They are divided in internal and external hemorrhoids. The internal hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum and hence are not visible, and usually are not very painful as they are located far from the nerv

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Colectomy Treatment abroad, Colectomy is a type of surgery used to treat colon diseases. These include cancer, inflammatory disease, or diverticulitis. The surgery is done by removing a portion of the colon. The colon is part of the large intestine.

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Mammography is an x-ray imaging method that is used to examine the breasts for the early diagnosis of breast cancer or any other breast disease. Mammography is used as a diagnosis process as well as a screening process. For some types of breasts, the mammography can be a little difficult to interpret as there is a wide range of tissue density among the women. Denser breasts are difficult to diagnose for any tumor during mammography. This is one of the limits of Mammography however along wit

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MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) treatments abroad How much does an MRI cost? On average, the same MRI in the US can cost between $600 and $2600 depending on what hospital you visit. At Mozocare, our partner clinics offer MRI's starting at $170 as a flat rate. Most patients save about 80% on the cost of medical procedures simply by traveling to another country. Where can I go to get an MRI abroad? We have partner clinics offering MRI's in Hungary, Israel, Singapore, Spain, Sw

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The positron emission tomography scan popularly known as PET scan is a procedure where the images of the issues are taken and studied to see the proper functioning of the organ. In the PET scan, a radioactive drug is used to see the activity. The positron emission tomography scan can detect the diseases in an organ much before any other scan could identify them. The radio-active drug named tracer is either injected or inhaled or swallowed completely based on the organ that is being scanned in th

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Find Colonoscopy abroad A colonoscopy is the examination of the colon (large intestine and bowel) with a video camera which is attached to a flexible tube with a light at the tip, and is passed through the anus. A colonoscopy helps to locate ulcers, tumors, polyps, and areas of inflammation. It also allows for tissue samples (biopsies) to be collected which can then be later tested as well as the opportunity to remove any abnormal growths. Colonoscopies are also used to screen for precancero

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Find Medical Examination abroad with Mozocare, A regular medical examination or health check-ups can help find problems before they start. It can help find problems early you whether you're at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, stroke. During the check-up, you'll also discuss how to reduce your risk of these conditions and helps your chances for treatment and cure are better if found early. 

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Find Vaccination abroad with Mozocare,

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Find Female Health Checkup abroad with Mozocare,

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Find Ovarian Cyst Removal abroad with Mozocare Ovarian cyst removal is a surgical operation where fluid-filled sacs grow up on the surface of the ovary. An Ovarian cyst is non-cancerous and harmless, most females have suffered ovarian cyst and have overcome on their own without any medication. When the ovarian cyst grows abnormally then it has to be removed, if not there will be pelvic pain, abdomen fullness, and bloating can happen. If a severe ovarian cyst is not treated at its earliest the

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Find Tubal Ligation Reversal abroad with Mozocare A tubal ligation reversal, also known as tubal reanastomosis or tube untying, reverses the ligation by reconnecting the fallopian tubes to the uterus and allowing ovulation to successfully take place once again. Reconnecting the tubes may involve removing a device used to block the tube, using sutures to reattach sections of the tube, or removing a ring or similar device cutting the tube off. Depending on the procedure used to block them in t

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Find Vaginoplasty abroad with Mozocare Vaginoplasty is a surgical operation in which rejuvenation and reframing of the vagina are done. Here, loosen, slack vagina, and separation of muscles gets treated. Vaginoplasty is also recognized as posterior colporrhaphy. Vaginoplasty is complex and can be infectious but is very rare. After the surgical operation, several risks are linked such as vaginal infection, itching, and bleeding. But vaginoplasty is worth every penny as the end result provides

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Epilepsy Treatment treatments abroad Epilepsy treatment refers to a clinical treatment where the tiny part of the brain which creates seizures, is eliminated using a little electrical device that is put in the body. A variety of reasons may lead to seizures for which Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) are given to control seizures. This disease may occur in childhood or after age 60 The symptoms of this disease differ from person to person. An electroencephalogram (EEG) helps to diagnose epilepsy.

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Neurology Consultation treatments abroad Neurology consultation is the main activity of neurology teams and it includes diagnosis and follow-up of all neurological diseases and then deciding appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for each case. At Mozocare, we have highly qualified and experienced neurologists. What are the general objectives of neurology consultation? To diagnose any neurological disease. To establish a complementary investigation plan to determine the

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Parkinson's Disease Treatment treatments abroad Parkinson’s disease is a condition where part of the brain is damaged over a course of years. The disease is not curable but treatment is done to reduce the symptoms. It is a neurodegenerative disorder that develops slowly over years. The progression of the disease varies from one person to another. Not disease but the complications of Parkinson’s disease are serious.  

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Brain Aneurysm Repair Abroad It is a surgery to treat a weak area in the blood vessel wall which leads to a bulge or burst of the vessel which can cause bleeding into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain that forms a collection of blood. Symptoms being behavior change, speech problems, numbness, vision problems, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, etc. Diagnostic tests are Cerebrospinal fluid test, CT, MRI, Cerebral angiogram, and X-ray. Treatment for the disease can be aneurysm clippin

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Neurosurgery Consultation abroad Neurosurgery is the branch of medicine related to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves within the body. Neurosurgeons are specialists who specialize in neurosurgeries to treat these disorders. Consultation with the neurosurgeons provides the diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, prevention, critical care, etc. The doctor talks about the treatment plan and educates about the benefits and the risks of that treatme

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Skull Base Surgery Abroad A surgical treatment to remove a tumor or any cancerous growth at the bottom of the skull is referred to as skull base surgery. Symptoms are facial pain, headache, numbness, hearing loss, ringing in ears, weakness of the face, etc. Diagnostic tests are endoscopy, CT scan, MRI, MRA, PET scan, and biopsy. Treatment for the disease can be minimally invasive surgery, open surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, gamma knife, proton beam therapy, and particle therap

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Chronic Leukemia Treatment treatments abroad Leukemia can be defined as a malignant disease of the blood and bone marrow and is associated with abnormalities in the development and functioning of blood cells. Some leukemia types affect children more often while other are only found in adults. Leukemia can be divided into two subcategories according to the blood cell type: chronic and acute leukemia. Chronic leukemia can be myelogenous or lymphocytic. The main difference between acute and chro

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Hip Arthroscopy abroad A hip arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows doctors too see hip joint in the absence of making a slit through skin and tissues. it is used to determine and treat a wide range of problems related to hip. This procedure does not require large incisions. An arthroscope (a small camera) is inserted into the hip joint and with the help of the images received on the monitor, the surgeon guide the miniature surgical instrument. This helps in diagnosing the

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Hip Replacement abroad Hip Replacement abroad, A hip replacement involves replacing the natural hip joint that is not functional anymore and causes pain, with a prosthetic implant. Total hip joint replacement means that the end of the femur (thigh bone), cartilage, and hip socket are replaced to create new joint surfaces. Hip replacements are carried out to improve quality of life, relieving chronic pain caused by hip conditions, and improving hip mobility. Hip replacements are usually used

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Knee Arthroscopy abroad Knee Arthroscopy abroad In the strictest sense, knee arthroscopy involves the insertion of a camera (called arthroscopic camera) into a small incision in the knee so that the surgeon can examine different parts of the knee from the inside and repair or diagnose different conditions. The surgeon may insert other tools through other openings to repair or remove things from within the knee. Arthroscopic surgery may be an option for patients with several different conditi

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Lung Biopsy abroad A lung biopsy is a process in which samples of lung tissue are removed to detect the presence of lung disease. It may be performed using either a closed or an open method. A lung biopsy procedure is sometimes necessary to help diagnose a condition, usually cancer. How much does Lung Biopsy cost abroad? The cost of Lung Biopsy ranges between USD 1600- USD 2800. Which other Pulmonary & Respiratory procedures can I find abroad? There are many accredited and mod

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treatment abroad Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a combination of two ailments, namely- chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smoking is the main cause of COPD. In rare cases, non-smokers who lack a protein termed alpha-1 antitrypsin can develop emphysema. Early detection and treatment with medications, pulmonary rehabilitation, surgery, and additional oxygen can help accomplish the goal of COPD administration to improve a patient’s func

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Bronchoscopy abroad A bronchoscopy is a process that allows a pulmonologist to examine the inside of the lungs. During the process, a thin tube encompassing a light and camera is inserted into the lungs through the nose or mouth. It is a test to check the airways and detect lung disease. It may also be used during the treatment of some lung conditions. Which other Pulmonary & Respiratory procedures can I find abroad? There are many accredited and modern hospitals providing high stan

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Spinal fusion surgery is the most common and most recommended treatment option given by orthopedic or neurosurgeons to treat back issues or spine problems/deformities. However, all the patients with spine issues are not treated with spinal fusion surgery. Based on the factors like history, symptoms, type of pain, duration of pain, if it is radiating to other parts of the body, overall health of the patient this surgery is planned to prevent pain and easing out daily activities.  Spinal f

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Prostatectomy abroad Prostatectomy is a set of various surgical operations in which sectional or full prostate gland is detached to treat prostate cancer and enlarged prostate. The Prostate gland lies below the urinary bladder of males. If a person is suffering from symptoms like discomfort during urination, inability to urine, the escalating urge of urination, etc., then he should consult a doctor for the disease and situation. In prostatectomy, various surgeries are included such as open ra

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Vasectomy abroad When men desire not to have children they can decide to have a vasectomy. Vasectomy is a surgical procedure performed to sterilize the male reproductive system and it is carried out by sealing the tubes (vasa deferentia tubes) that carry the semen in the urethra. This doesnâ??t mean that men will not be able to ejaculate after the surgery, only that the semen will not carry sperm anymore. The semen will still be produced in the body but will be reabsorbed from it and ca

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Circumcision abroad Circumcision is a surgical removal operation of skin sheltering the tip or head of the penis. The circumcision procedure is more relatively done in new-born babies as at that time pain is bearable. In most areas of the world, circumcision is more often a religious ritual performed to maintain personal hygiene and prevent diseases. Religions like Islam, Jew, and tribes of Australia and Africa are more in performing the circumcision. Some complications are also involved in c

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1 Dr. Pratik Kumar Soni Cardiologist
2 Dr. Zainulabedin I. Hamdulay Cardiothoracic Surgeon
3 Dr. Suresh V. Joshi Paediatrician
4 Dr. Mudit Khanna Orthopedecian
5 Dr. Shirish M. Hastak Neurologist
6 Dr. Dimpy Irani Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
7 Dr. Gandhali Deorukhkar Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
8 Dr. Tariq A Patel
9 Dr. Mohammed Ayub Siddiqui Urologist
10 Dr. Meghal J. Sanghavi Surgical Oncologist


A New Age Hospital 1877, Dr.Anand Rao Nair Road, 400011 Mumbai, India

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the once you submit the Passport copies, the hospital will issue Medical VISA Invitation Letter to you, which will be applicable for the attendants also.
Yes, the hospital will provide pick-up and drop-off to the airport.
Mozocare will help you to find the best staying options, be it Hotels or Service Apartment. Our patient care team will do all the necessary coordination.
You may pay via:
  • Bank Transfer
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Cash
Yes, if you would like to talk with the doctor, we can arrange a pre-consultation call for you. Kindly note, it may be subjective to the type of treatment.
The hospital will provide you a translator who will be assisting you throughout your treatment. Also, you can always request for translation services from Mozocare in case you would like to go for sight seeing or local tourism (Charges Applicable).
Mozocare is available 24X7 for you. A dedicated patient care executive will be assisting you throughout your medical journey. You can also make a call to hospital’s reception (it will be provided to you).
The hospital has dedicated place for patients of any religion.
If you are covered under Insurance, you can always receive the claim.
Our patient care executive will help you to get answered, Mozocare will talk to the hospital on your behalf.
Do not worry, Mozocare and the Hospital both have translators, that will do the translation. Just make sure the reports are easily readable (of good quality).
There are some vaccines that are must, and some are optional. It depends on the country you are travelling from. You will be informed by the embassy.
All foreigners (including foreigners of Indian origin) visiting India on long term (more. than 180 days) Student Visa, Medical Visa, Research Visa and Employment Visa are required. to get themselves registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO)
Do not worry, information of every patient is highly confidential for us, they are not shared with anyone except hospital.
You will be required to present you original passport , visa , medical reports on arrival in hospital. Other documents related to specific procedure shall be requested along while issuing visa invitation.
recreational amenities: it is listed in the hospital facilities section of the page. you can fetch from there. or leave it for us to write.

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 17 May, 2021.

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