Myocardial Infarction Treatment

Myocardial Infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, is a serious and potentially life-threatening medical condition that requires immediate attention. It occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle. Treatment options for myocardial infarction abroad are widely available and include cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery, thrombolytic therapy, antiplatelet medications, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins, and nitroglycerin.

Cost of Myocardial Infarction Treatment Abroad

The cost of myocardial infarction treatment abroad varies depending on the country, hospital, and specific treatment required. The average cost of treatment in the United States can range from $20,000 to $100,000, while in some countries like India, Thailand, and Mexico, the cost can be significantly lower, starting at $5,000. It is essential to note that the cost of treatment is just one factor to consider when choosing where to receive medical care abroad.

What affects the final cost of Myocardial Infarction Treatment?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of treatment required
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & clinic
  • The location of the hospital
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses


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About Myocardial Infarction Treatment

Myocardial infarction treatment abroad is available in many countries worldwide, including the United States, India, Thailand, Mexico, and Turkey. The treatment options available may vary depending on the country and the hospital. It is essential to research and carefully consider the options available to determine the best course of action.

Before Procedure / Treatment

Before undergoing any myocardial infarction treatment abroad, patients will need to undergo several tests and procedures to determine the best course of action. These tests may include an

electrocardiogram, a stress test, a cardiac catheterization, and blood tests. The medical team will review the results of these tests and determine the most appropriate treatment option.

How it Performed?

Cardiac catheterization: This procedure involves the insertion of a catheter into the blood vessels to the heart. This allows the medical team to identify any blockages or narrowing of the coronary arteries.

Angioplasty: Angioplasty involves using a small balloon to open up any blockages or narrowing of the coronary arteries. A stent may also be inserted to help keep the artery open.

Coronary artery bypass surgery: In this procedure, a blood vessel is taken from another part of the body and used to bypass the blocked or narrowed artery.

Thrombolytic therapy: Thrombolytic therapy involves the use of medications to dissolve the blood clot causing the heart attack.

Antiplatelet medications: These medications help prevent blood clots from forming.

Beta blockers: Beta blockers are used to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, which can help decrease the workload on the heart.

ACE inhibitors: ACE inhibitors are used to lower blood pressure and reduce the workload on the heart.

Statins: Statins are used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, which can help prevent future heart attacks.

Nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin is used to widen blood vessels, which can help improve blood flow to the heart.


The recovery time after myocardial infarction treatment abroad will depend on the type of treatment received. Patients who undergo cardiac catheterization or angioplasty may be able to return to normal activities within a few days, while those who undergo coronary artery bypass surgery may need several weeks or months to recover fully. It is essential to follow the medical team's instructions carefully and attend any necessary follow-up appointments.

Top 10 Hospitals for Myocardial Infarction Treatment

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Myocardial Infarction Treatment in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai India Mumbai ---    
2 Sikarin Hospital Thailand Bangkok ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 King's College Hospital United Kingdom London ---    
5 Fortis Hospital Vadapalani India Chennai ---    
6 HELIOS Dr. Horst Schmidt Hospital Wiesba... Germany Wiesbaden ---    
7 Seoul National University Bundang Hospit... South Korea Bundang ---    
8 Policlinica Ntra. Sra. del Rosario Spain Ibiza ---    
9 AMRI Hospital-Dhakuria India Kolkata ---    
10 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Hong Kong Hong Kong ---    

Best doctors for Myocardial Infarction Treatment

Following are the best doctors for Myocardial Infarction Treatment in the world:

1 Dr. Ashok Seth Cardiologist Fortis Escorts Heart Inst...

Frequently Asked Questions

Your doctor will decide the best treatment for myocardial infarction. The standard treatment for myocardial infarction includes medicines to treat blood clotting and cure arterial blockage and chest pain. Medicine may be given to lower the blood pressure and improve oxygen supply to the heart. Surgical procedures may be recommended depending upon the condition of the heart.

Your doctor will do physical examination and recommend the following diagnostic tests –  ECG (Electrocardiogram) – ECG shows any heart attack in the past or if it is in progress.  Blood tests – the test is used to look for any leakage of heart proteins in the blood.  Echocardiogram – It is used to look for any damaged part in the heart  Cardiac CT or MRI – reflects the severity of heart damage  Chest X-ray – shows size of heart and its blood vessels  Coronary catheterization – It reveals the blocked areas in the arteries

Myocardial infarction is a heart attack that occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply in any part of the heart. The supply of oxygen is not enough due to blockage of blood flow.

Yes, myocardial infarction is commonly known as heart attack. It is a result of insufficient or complete blockage of blood flow in any part of the heart muscles.

Chest pain may occur between upper abdomen and neck. The pain radiates to the shoulder and arms.

Common warning signs are –  Pain in chest  Feeling tired  Feeling discomfort or uneasy

Yes, mostly people survive myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarction (heart attack) is a very serious and life threatening condition. Life expectancy decreases by 8-10% in people who have had first heart attack (myocardial infarction).

There are several hospitals for heart treatment listed on mozocare. You can browse hospital section or contact our care team to guide you better.

The following factors increases the risk of heart attack –  Heart disease running in a family  Age (risk increases with advancing age)  Gender (common in males)  Lifestyle  Health condition  History of pre-eclampsia

Myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when the blood supply to a part of the heart is blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle.

The symptoms of myocardial infarction include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and sweating.

Myocardial infarction is diagnosed through a physical exam, electrocardiogram, blood tests, and other imaging tests.

The treatment options for myocardial infarction include cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery, thrombolytic therapy, antiplatelet medications, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins, and nitroglycerin.

The recovery time after myocardial infarction varies from person to person, but it usually takes several weeks to several months to fully recover.

You can prevent myocardial infarction by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and managing conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Yes, myocardial infarction can be fatal if not treated promptly and effectively. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms of a heart attack.

The cost of myocardial infarction treatment abroad varies depending on the country, hospital, and specific treatment. However, it is often significantly less expensive than in the United States and other Western countries.

The factors that affect the final cost of myocardial infarction treatment abroad include the country and hospital you choose, the specific treatment you need, the length of your hospital stay, and any additional expenses such as travel and accommodations.

To choose the best hospital and doctor for myocardial infarction treatment abroad, you should research the options and consider factors such as the hospital's reputation, the doctor's experience and qualifications, the hospital's facilities and technology, and the overall cost and convenience of the treatment. It is also important to consult with your own doctor and insurance provider before making any decisions.

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 12 Aug, 2023.

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