Oral Cancer Treatment

Oral Cancer Treatment Abroad,

The development of cancer cells in the tissues of mouth or throat is known as Oral cancer or Mouth Cancer. Oral Cancer comes under a larger group of cancers known as Head and Neck cancers.

The cancer is mostly found in mouth, lips and tongue.  The cancer is mostly diagnosed after spreading to the lymph nodes. The best way to avoid any complications, is diagnosing the cancer as early as possible.

Types of oral cancers

Oral cancers include cancers of the: Lips Tongue  Inner lining of the cheek Gums  Floor of the mouth Hard and soft palate

What affects the final cost of Oral Cancer Treatment?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses

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Hospitals for Oral Cancer Treatment

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Top 10 Hospitals for Oral Cancer Treatment

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Oral Cancer Treatment in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 BLK-MAX Super Specialty Hospital India New Delhi ---    
2 Thainakarin Hospital Thailand Bangkok ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 Canadian Specialist Hospital United Arab Emirates Dubai ---    
5 Taiwan Adventist hospital Taiwan Taipei ---    
6 Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket India New Delhi ---    
7 Jordan University Hospital Jordan Amman ---    
8 Apollo Hospital Bangalore India Bangalore ---    
9 Columbia Asia Hospital Palam Vihar India Gurgaon ---    
10 ISAR Klinikum Munich Germany Munich ---    

Best doctors for Oral Cancer Treatment

Following are the best doctors for Oral Cancer Treatment in the world:

1 Dr. Prabhat Gupta Surgical Oncologist Dharamshila Narayana Supe...
2 Dr. Biswajyoti Hazarika Surgical Oncologist Artemis Hospital
3 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Surgical Oncologist BLK-MAX Super Specialty H...
4 Dr. Prashant Pawar Surgical Oncologist Fortis Hospital Mulund
5 Dr. Gaurav Walia Endodontist Metro Hospital and Heart...
6 Dr. Susheen Dutt ENT/Otorhinolaryngologist Fortis Hospital Bangalore
7 Dr. Ashish Goel Surgical Oncologist Jaypee Hospital
8 Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Dent. Reinhard Bschorer Maxillofacial Surgeon HELIOS Hospital Schwerin

Frequently Asked Questions

Oral cancer or mouth cancer is the cancer that affects the inner part of the mouth.

Oral cancer affects lips, gums, inner lining of the cheeks, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, area behind the wisdom teeth and tongue.

Risk factors that increases the chances of oral cancer are – • Smoking • Chewing tobacco • Excessive alcohol consumption • Human papilloma virus • Family history • Too much exposure in sun

There are several sign and symptoms that may resemble common problems in mouth. Some of the sign and symptoms are - • Sores on the lips or inside the mouth • Bleeding from the mouth • Weight loss • Chronic bad breath • Ear ache • Pain, tenderness or numbness on face and neck

Along with physical examination, following tests are recommended for oral cancer – • Scrape biopsy • Incisional biopsy • Indirect laryngoscopy and pharyngoscopy • Direct laryngoscopy and pharyngoscopy

There are three stages of oral cancer -T1, T2, T3 T1 – tumor size is 2 cm or less than 2 cm T2- tumor is 2 cm or more but not larger than 4 cm T3 – tumor is larger than 4 cm

Depending on the condition following treatment may be used for oral cancer – • Radiation therapy • Targeted therapy • Immunotherapy • Chemotherapy • Surgery

Yes, oral cancer can be prevented. Avoiding the risk factors with regular dental check-up and oral cancer screening, can help in preventing oral cancer.

Surgical procedure for oral cancer is very successful and has very low chances of recurrence.

Oral cancer treatment cost starts from $3,000, depending on the hospital or country you choose.

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 03 Apr, 2022.

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