Artificial Disc Replacement

Lower back pain is most common these days. To treat back pain sometimes artificial disc replacement surgery is advised. Not everyone requires the surgery, but some patients require this surgery depending on the source of their back pain. 

Disc replacement is a type of spine surgery indicated when the lumbar vertebrae become degenerated and cause severe and long-term back pain in which patients are not relieved from conservative therapies like medications physiotherapy, back exercise. When the patient gets tired off of conservative treatment and is unable to carry out daily activities without pain this back surgery is the only option for such patients. 

As everyone is not the right candidate for the surgery, few investigations are carried out to know about the cause and to choose the right patient for surgery. 

The patients that require back surgery must not be overweight, must not have any spine deformity, must have back pain in the lumbar region in one or two intervertebral disks.

Artificial disc replacement provides satisfactory and long-term outcomes thus improving daily life. 

Cost of Artificial Disc Replacement around world

# Country Average Cost Starting Cost Highest Cost
1 India $8200 $8200 $8200

What affects the final cost of Artificial Disc Replacement?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses

Hospitals for Artificial Disc Replacement

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About Artificial Disc Replacement

The disc between the vertebrae 6 in the cervical region (neck ) 12 in the thoracic region (middle back ) and 5  in the lumbar region (lower back )  help in rotation and movement thus preventing rubbing of bones against each other.

The lumbar vertebrae are in the lowest part of the spine in which the disc when worn off or degenerate causes lower back pain. In Artificial disc replacement surgery, this degenerated disc in the lumbar region is replaced with an artificial disc (prosthesis) made up of synthetic material.  

The surgery is performed basically to remove the painful disc and replacing it with an artificial disc to gain movement. It thus `minimize inflammation, prevents pain, and improve natural movement in the spine.

Usually, artificial disc surgery leads to early discharge from the hospital, prevents pain, early recovery, and starting daily activities very soon.

Before Procedure / Treatment

For around 5 months, conservative treatment is usually done, if the patient doesn't respond well artificial disc replacement surgery is planned. Your doctor would carry out few investigations like X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan. These tests are important to choose the right candidate for surgery.

Your doctor would advise you to quit smoking and control your diabetes before planning surgery as both of these prevents healing.

Your doctor would also lookup for the medications you are taking or any other co-morbidities you have that need to be maintained before surgery.

Your doctor would identify the source of your back pain through investigations and would carry out your physical exam to make sure you are an ideal candidate for surgery.

How it Performed?

This surgery is carried out in general anesthesia, a small incision around 5 cm to 8 cm is made in the abdomen and the doctor tries to gain access to the spine by moving muscles, organs. The disc that is degenerated is removed, the artificial disc of the same size is placed. An X-ray is done to check whether the disc is rightly placed. 

The muscles, tissues, blood vessels are returned to their normal position, and sutures are placed.


Artificial disc replacement surgery leads to early recovery and shorter hospital stays. The patient is usually discharged in a maximum of 3 days. The patient is checked if he can do movement easily like walking. The patient is advised for follow-up care and visits a concerned doctor to keep a check if everything is going right. 

The follow-up care advised include –

The medicines like pain killers are given to manage post-operative pain.

Depending on the need contrast therapy is advised which includes heat or cold therapy. Heat therapy prevents spasms that cause pain and ice / cold therapy prevents inflammation. If inflammation is reduced pain would also reduce.

Few exercises are also advised to strengthen the muscles of the back. It should be strictly followed as per doctors' advice. Right exercise at right time is important.

Recovery would be within 2 months, depending on the patient's physical condition as well as how much follow-up care and advice the patient is following. It completely varies from one patient to another.

Top 10 Hospitals for Artificial Disc Replacement

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Artificial Disc Replacement in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 BLK-MAX Super Specialty Hospital India New Delhi ---    
2 Chiangmai Ram Hospital Thailand Chiang Mai ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 NMC Healthcare - BR Medical Suites United Arab Emirates Dubai ---    
5 Severance Hospital South Korea Seoul ---    
6 American Heart of Poland Poland Bielsko-Biała ---    
7 MEOCLINIC Germany Berlin ---    
8 Kameda Medical Center Japan Higashicho ---    
9 Jordan University Hospital Jordan Amman ---    
10 European Medical Center (EMC) Russian Federation Moscow ---    

Best doctors for Artificial Disc Replacement

Following are the best doctors for Artificial Disc Replacement in the world:

1 Dr. Hitesh Garg Orthopaedic - Spine Surgeon Artemis Hospital
2 Dr. Kalidutta Das Orthopaedic - Spine Surgeon Indian Spinal Injuries Ce...
3 Dr Vinay S Joshi Orthopedecian Kokilaben Dhirubhai Amban...
4 Dr. Krishna K. Choudhary Neurosurgeon Primus Super Specialty Ho...
5 Dr S Vidyadhara Spine Surgeon Manipal Hospital Bangalor...
6 Dr Chetan S Pophale Spine Surgeon MIOT International

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 06 Jul, 2021.

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