Managing Cancer related Side Effects

Incontinence indicates involuntary control over passing of urine, faeces and flatus. These are termed as urine incontinence and faecal/bowel incontinence respectively.

The person loses control over bladder and bowel. As a result there is involuntary passage of urine and stool. Incontinence affects physical and mental health. It affects the quality of life if not managed adequately.

Mental health issues such as anxiety, anger and fear are associated with incontinence. It affects the sexual health and makes a person physically inactive. All these is result of fear from incontinence.

Incontinence occurs during the cancer treatment or even after the treatment is complete. The problem is not just confined to cancer or cancer treatment. Various other factors can cause incontinence.

Urine incontinence – side effect of cancer

Urine incontinence occurs in certain specific cancers. However other cancer and its treatment also causes urine incontinence. Some of the common cancers with urine incontinence as a side effect are –

  • Prostate cancer, cancer in the cervix, urethra, bladder and rectum.
  • Chronic cough resulting in lung cancer.
  • Breast cancer and tumors in the brain, spinal cord.
  • Tumors affecting the nerve supply to the bladder.
  • Nervous system disorder
  • Urine retention
  • Certain chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy on the spine or bladder
  • Bone marrow transplant with chemotherapy

Ways to manage urine incontinence

The duration of urine incontinence depends upon the underlying cause. Some may last for short time and some may continue for long term. Some of the ways to manage urine continence include –

  • Specific exercise to strengthen pelvic floor muscles
  • Bladder training is beneficial to manage urination
  • Certain medicines are effective to control urine incontinence
  • Surgical method is used to correct long term incontinence

Bowel incontinence

Bowel incontinence is a term used for stool incontinence and involuntary passing of gas.

Symptoms of bowel incontinence

  • Not able to control stool or flatulence
  • Urge to pass stool
  • Passing of liquid stool with or without mucous

Way to manage bowel incontinence

Certain diagnostic test are used to test bowel incontinence. Some of the methods that can help manage bowel incontinence are given below-


Surgical procedure is done to cure bowel incontinence

Diet modification

Modifying your diet helps to maintain bowel incontinence. Taking help of dietician can help you cope up with problem of bowel incontinence.

Strengthen your pelvic muscles

Doing pelvic floor exercise such as Kegel exercise strengthens the anus and pelvic muscles.


There is no specific plan to manage the problem of incontinence. It depends upon an individual what suits fit for him/her. Consult your healthcare provider for various options that can help you cope with bladder and bowel incontinence.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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