Managing Cancer related Side Effects

Hot flashes and sweating are common side effects in cancer patients. Hot flashes is experienced as a sudden warmth on face, neck and chest. The skin turns red and the temperature lowers by sweating through skin. Hot flashes with sweats are a common side effect of cancer treatment.

Hot flashes and sweating may occur during treatment and post treatment. Treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical procedures and other medications causes hot flashes and sweating.

What happens in hot flashes?

Hot flashes are sensation of heat on the face. The person might feel heat with mild sweating. The person might perspire to an extent clothes are soaked. Severe to moderate level of hot flashes can interfere with sleeping pattern and cause fatigue.

The problem of hot flashes is commonly observed in women as there are hormonal changes. Women undergoing hormonal therapy for breast cancer experience hot flashes which might last longer.

Hot flashes might occur as side effects of cancer treatment that causes menopause or temporary hormonal changes. The hot flashes may last for few days or longer.

In men hot flashes occur during and after treatment of prostate cancer.

Causes of hot flashes

Hot flashes can occur due to following reasons –

  • Treatment of breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer treatment
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Surgical procedures that removes ovaries
  • Removal of testicles
  • Use of medicines such as opioids, steroids, antidepressant drugs, etc


Sweating may occur as a result of cancer treatment. Sweating is a way to keep the body cool.

Causes of sweating

If you are suffering from cancer then sweating may occur due to following reasons –


Infection causes rise in body temperature and body sweats to reduce the body temperature. Treatment of infection can control sweating.


Cancer itself can be a cause of sweating. Cancer such as bone cancer, leukaemia, liver cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma etc causes more sweating.

Hormonal imbalance

Changes in hormonal balance causes sweating and hot flashes. The hormone level may change due to cancer itself or as a result of cancer treatment.

Ways to manage hot flash and sweating

Medicines can be used to treat the underlying cause of hot flashes and sweating. Managing the side effects can bring relief to the patients. Some of the methods to manage hot flashes and sweating include –

  • Use of medicines
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Non hormone therapy

How patients can help themselves?

There are various ways to manage hot flashes and sweating. Management depends upon the underlying cause.

  • Follow the prescribed medicines
  • Keep a note of occurrence of sweating and hot flashes
  • Change the wet clothes and bed sheets
  • Record the temperature if sweating is due to fever
  • Consult your doctor if any prescribed medicine is not working
  • Wear two layers of clothes when the weather is cold
  • Take care of personal hygiene

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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