Managing Cancer related Side Effects

Hiccups and heartburn are a common problem that we experience in normal life. It occurs and goes away without any need of medical intervention. In case of cancer patients hiccups can be problematic as it can continue for a longer time.

What causes hiccups

Hiccups occur when there is irritation on the diaphragm and there is sudden contraction between breaths. The nerves controlling the diaphragm is irritated due to various reasons

What causes hiccups in cancer patients

  • Bloated and extended stomach
  • Infection that affects chest or oesophagus
  • Tumor puts pressure on the diaphragm
  • Tumor in the brain
  • Treatment such as chemotherapy
  • High level of blood calcium
  • Kidneys not functioning properly
  • Presence of fluid near lungs or heart
  • Stress

When to see a doctor for hiccups

Usually hiccups last for few minutes or hours but if it continues for more than a day or two, one need to consult the doctor soon. Persistent hiccups indicate serious health problems.

Ways to manage hiccups

Medicines are available to control hiccups that does not go away on its own. You can try the following methods to control hiccups –

  • Take a slow and deep breath in a paper bag
  • Drink water slowly
  • Keep little sugar in the mouth and swallow it
  • Avoid forceful eating
  • Hold breath for as long as you can


Heartburn or indigestion is a condition of burning sensation in the throat, chest and upper abdomen. The situation becomes more problematic by eating wrong food or lying after eating.

Symptoms of heartburn

  • Pain in the chest with burning sensation that moves up to the throat
  • Bitter or acidic taste
  • Reflux of food or liquid
  • Pain that increases while lying down or bending

Ways to manage heartburn

  • Don’t take large portion of meals instead take small portion and eat 4 small meals.
  • Enjoy the food you eat by going slow.
  • Avoid foods that makes the heartburn worse
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol intake and stop smoking.
  • Lose weight if you are obese or overweight
  • Drink enough amount of liquids

When to contact your doctor

Seek professional help in the following cases –

  • If there is no improvement after taking prescribed medicines
  • Presence of blood in the stool, cough or vomit
  • Loss of appetite or difficulty in eating
  • Constipation along with bloated stomach
  • Chemotherapy
  • Trouble in breathing or swallowing


Mention the symptoms to your doctor and find the ways to manage hiccups and heart burn. Contact the healthcare provider if hiccups and heartburn last longer.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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