Managing Cancer related Side Effects

Distress is one of the side effects of cancer treatment that affects the patient to an extent of quitting the treatment.

Distress is a mental health condition that affects the emotions, feelings, behaviour and thoughts of a person. It affects the quality of life and makes it difficult for an individual to follow the daily routine. Especially people undergoing cancer treatment find it difficult to cope with the treatment and other side effects of chemotherapy.

Emotional distress can make the physical symptoms more severe as it adversely affects the daily routine work. This might affect the outcome of the treatment. It usually takes time for the patient and his/her family members to know what cancer means.

Distress is defined as a feeling of emotions such as sadness, anger, fear, hopelessness, helplessness, feeling ignored by people around, anxious, concerned about family members, etc.

There are 3 stages of distress

At the time of diagnosis:

A person who has been diagnosed with cancer might find it difficult to understand what it means. There is a feeling of distress and a person feels that no one understands him/her.

During treatment: 

The patient might feel difficult to cope up with the daily activities and responsibilities. This is normal in patients undergoing chemotherapy and there is extreme distress to cope up with the treatment and the situation.

After treatment:

During post treatment the person feels distressed and is anxious about the return of the disease.

When to see a doctor?

At times distress interferes with the treatment plan. It makes it difficult for the person to cope up with the treatment and other daily routine work. In severe cases a person under distress might find it difficult in having a sound sleep, eating and even come across negative thoughts.

You must consult a doctor if you come across following sign and symptoms –

  • Feeling panicked
  • Fearful
  • Sadness interferes the course of treatment
  • Feeling very irritated and angry
  • Feeling worthless
  • Negative thoughts about the outcome of cancer
  • Feeling helpless and hopeless most of the time
  • Not able to make decisions
  • Not able to concentrate on daily routine work
  • Trouble in eating foods for more than a week

How to manage cancer related distress

Find support and be positive. You are not alone in fighting cancer. Take help from family, friends, healthcare providers or a support group of people who have been or are going through the treatment.

Keep a record of your emotions.

Be active and keep yourself engaged in stress relieving activities such as exercise, meditation and yoga.

Keep yourself happy by surrounding yourself with optimistic people around.

Take away

Every cancer patient might go through a wide range of negative and positive thoughts. Seeking professional help and being optimistic can make you overcome the distress caused due to cancer.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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