Managing Cancer related Side Effects

A normal person with fever will not visit the doctor soon. However cancer patients having fever must visit the doctor without any delay.

In a cancer patient, the immune system is compromised and the person finds it hard to recover from illness. This is the reason why cancer patients need special care while suffering from even the common illness.

When the body temperature rises above 37 degree Celsius, a person is said to have fever. Fever is caused by the underlying infection which can be diagnosed by running certain blood tests.

Sign and symptoms of fever

Sign and symptoms of fever include –

  • Body ache and headache
  • Pain in muscles
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Shivering and sweating
  • Painful urination
  • Burning sensation while passing urine
  • Skin rashes
  • Confusion

Why cancer patients should be concerned of fever

High body temperature might indicate some serious infection in cancer patients. The problem is serious when white blood cells are low, the condition is termed as neutropenia. In many cancer patients the source of infection cannot be identified.

Fever may occur in people undertaking chemotherapy or other cancer medication. In such condition your doctor will immediately start the treatment to control fever.

Ways to manage fever in cancer patients

  • Record the body temperature in every 2-3 hours. As in cancer patients there are high chances of decline in white blood cells.
  • Increase intake of liquids such as water, juices, soup, etc.
  • Get sufficient rest
  • Cold compression on forehead can bring down the body temperature
  • Do not let people suffering from flu, cough and cold, fever, etc visit the cancer patient.

When to visit a doctor

Consult your doctor in the following cases-

  • Body temperature 38 degree Celsius or higher.
  • Fever with chills
  • No improvement even after taking the prescribed medicines.
  • Fever lasting more than 24 hours or returns within 24 hours.
  • Presence of other symptoms
  • Not able to take any fluids

Fever during chemotherapy need immediate attention. Fever being a sign of infection can be life threatening. Thus you must call your doctor immediately if body temperature rises. Take fever seriously and deal with the treatment without any delay.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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