Can Healthy Lifestyle Mitigate The Risks Of Cancer

Can Healthy Lifestyle Mitigate The Risks Of Cancer?
Can Healthy Lifestyle Mitigate the Risks Of Cancer?

We all know about cancer, its causes. symptoms, treatments, side effects, and all.

But there is a question running around, Can Healthy Lifestyle mitigate the Risks Of Cancer?

Well, you will get an answer to it by the end of this article, let us begin.

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Can Healthy Lifestyle Mitigate the Risks Of Cancer?

Yes, Healthy lifestyle can mitigate the risks of cancer. There are things that a person can do that make getting cancer less likely. Let us examine:

Does having a healthy diet reduce the risk of cancer?

The short answer is Yes, having a healthy and balanced diet can reduce the risk of cancer.

How does a healthy diet reduce cancer risk?

What we eat and drink affects our health in lots of ways. For many people, diet plays a huge role in their weight. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important because obesity is the root cause of 13 different types of cancer.

Having a healthy diet, helps people maintain a healthy weight or lose weight, which can automatically reduce the risk of cancer.

Studying the effect of what we eat on cancer risk is nearly impossible as most of our diets are made up of lots of different varieties of food and drink.

But there is enough evidence that having an overall healthy diet can reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer. Though there are some foods that are directly linked to cancer, our overall diet is more important than these individuals.

We keep hearing a lot that certain foods prevent cancer or certain foods cure cancer. However, despite this wildfire myth, there is no scientific evidence to prove so. But, there are several pieces of evidence that maintaining a healthy diet can prevent cancer to some extent.

What is a healthy diet?

We often hear that a healthy and balanced diet is good for us, but what does this mean?
We recommend a diet high in:

  • fruit and vegetables
  • wholegrains (such as brown rice or whole-grain bread)
  • healthy sources of protein like fresh chicken, fish, or pulses (such as lentils or beans)

And low diet in:

  • processed and red meat
  • high-calorie foods
  • sugary drinks
  • alcohol

Practice the golden rule of nutrition.

The golden rule of nutrition is to eat certain kinds of foods in moderation, but that rule is uncertain. More specifically, small amounts of red meat may not be harmful,

However, Harvard Medical School reported that increased amounts may increase the risk of colon cancer and prostate cancer. People should also limit or avoid charbroiled foods, deep-fried foods, and high-sugar foods, which may lead to obesity which eventually leads to cancer.

Avoiding alcohol and tobacco.

It is almost evident that Cigarette smoking is responsible for almost 90 percent of lung cancer deaths. Some other sources of tobacco, such as pipes, cigars, and chewing tobacco, also enhance a person’s risk of cancer.
Smoking even increases the chances of “mouth and throat cancer, esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectum, liver cancer, pancreas cancer, voice box, trachea, bronchus, kidney cancer, and renal pelvis, urinary bladder, and cervix cancer” . Quitting any kind of tobacco product will rapidly reduce the risk of cancer.

In the same way, alcohol also should be consumed in moderation. The doctors and medical researchers suggest having no more than one alcoholic drink per day for women or two per day for men. Moderate to heavy alcohol consumption has been correlated with head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Having regular physical exercises.

Being active is good for everyone and helps us to be at a healthy weight. When I say, have regular physical exercise, I did not mean you have to join a gym and start lifting heavyweights.

Simple things like walking along the road, taking stairs instead of the elevator, biking to go places if possible, a few minutes of a yoga session, and even carrying heaving shopping bags will do.

The main aim of having regular physical exercise is, if we move our body then we burn out some excess calories, sweat out toxins and most importantly, during a workout the autoimmune cells develop thus making our body less prone to diseases, diseases even like cancer.

Go out safely.

Yeah, the sun is all good, gives plants light for photosynthesis and vitamin d to us. However, sun rays can be extremely harmful and cause cancer.

Being safe in the sun lessens the risk of skin cancer. But whenever the sun is strong, it is very important to protect our skin from the harmful UV rays.

We have to spend some time in the shade, cover up with clothing like caps or scarves, and use sunscreen. Sunscreen is very important for the skin as well as it lessens the chance of being vulnerable to cancer.

Never ever go out without sunscreen or sunblock, experts say that we should apply sunscreen even when we are indoors. At least people should put on sunscreen 30 mins before stepping out.

By following this lifestyle one can easily mitigate the Risks Of Cancer.