Dr. K. R. Gopi Medical Oncologist

Dr. K. R. Gopi

Medical Oncologist

30 Years of Experience

Metro Hospital and Heart Institute, Noida Sector 11, Noida, India

  • Currently associated with Dharamshila Cancer Hospital & Research Center, New Delhi.
  • His special interests include Head and Neck, Genitourinary, Gastro-intestinal &Lung cancers.
  • Expertise’s in Medical Oncology, Haemato-oncology, Palliative medicine, Elderly/Frail patient management in Oncology

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  • MBBS, 1986, Madras Medical College, Chennai 
  • MD, 1992, Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai 
  • DNB, National Board of Examination, New Delhi


27 procedures across 3 departments

Acute Leukemia Treatment treatments abroad Leukemia consists of a malignant disease of the blood and bone marrow and is associated with abnormalities in the development and functioning of blood cells. There are several types of leukemia. Some of them affect children more often, while others only affect adults and can be acute or chronic depending on the type of blood cell that is affected by the disease. There are two main types of acute leukemia acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and acute

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Adrenal Cancer Treatment Abroad  The growth of cancerous cell in both of the adrenal glands over the kidneys is called as Adrenal Cancer. \The glands are for producing hormones and giving instructions to organs and tissues. It can occur at any age but children below 5 or adults in 40s – 50s are more prone to it

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Anal Cancer Treatment abroad The growth of cancerous cells in the anal canal is called as anal cancer. It is at short tube which enables passing of stool from the body. Anal canal is found at the end of the rectum. It is a rare form of cancer that can be treated through combinations of treatment. Bleeding or anal pain are the symptoms of anal cancer.

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Bile Duct Cancer Treatment Abroad, The growth of cancerous cells in the slender tubes also called as bile ducts that carry the digestive fluid bile is known as Bile Duct cancer. It is a tube which connects liver to gallbladder to small intestines. It is a rare form of cancer as well as aggressive too. Alcohol, which can damage the liver can increase the risk of bile duct cancer. White stool, jaundice and abdomen pain are some of the symptoms of bile duct cancer. There are two types of b

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Bladder Cancer Treatment Abroad  Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the urothelial cells, the inner surface of bladder. Bladder helps in storing urine. Bladder cancer is commonly found in bladder however, it can occur in urinary tract drainage system also. Early diagnosis is more helpful in bladder cancer treatment as at that stage cancer is highly treatable. Follow-up is often recommended as the cancer may reoccur.

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Brain Tumor Treatment abroad Treatment for a brain tumor differs depending on several factors: a person's age, general health, type of tumor, the size and  location. Several diverse types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can start on your brain (primary brain tumors), or cancer may begin in different parts of the human body and distribute to a brain (secondary, or metastatic, b

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Find Breast Biopsy abroad with Mozocare  Biopsy refers to collecting sample of tissue for further examination. Breast biopsy involves taking out a small sample of breast tissue. This is mainly done to diagnose breast cancer. It helps in identifying abnormalities in the cell that can make up breast lumps and other things. The lab report from the breast biopsy can help determine whether you need additional surgery or other treatment. Why it's done? You or your doctor feels a l

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Breast Cancer Treatment abroad Breast cancer can occur when cell growth within the breast becomes abnormal, causing the division of the cells and preventing new, healthy cells from developing. Around 1 in 8 women will encounter some form of breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common cancer type in women worldwide. Men can also develop breast cancer, though this is rare. The majority of breast cancers are found in women over the age of 50, though it is possible at all ages.

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Castleman Disease Treatment Abroad, The excessive growth of cells in body’s lymph nodes is called as Castleman disease. It’s a rare disease. Unicentric Castleman disease is one of the common forms of the disorder where single lymph node is affected. Multicentric Castleman affects multiple lymph nodes all over the body. Types Unicentric Castleman disease & Multicentric Castleman disease

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Find Cervical Cancer Treatment Abroad Cervical cancer is a cancer that occurs in the woman's cervix and happens when the abnormal cells on the cervix grow and start to reproduce out of control. The cervix is the passage in the lower part of the uterus and opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer can happen in women over the age of 30, and can be detected early through a gynecological visit and a Pap test, or smear test. During a pap test, the cells from the cervix are gently extract

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Chemotherapy treatments abroad Chemotherapy is a range of treatments which aim to destroy or slow the growth of cancer cells using the medicine, drugs, and other chemical compounds. Chemotherapy is most effective when combined with surgery and radiotherapy. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is dependent upon the type of cancer being treated, and its stage of development. Sometimes chemotherapy is able to completely destroy the cancerous cells, whilst in other cases, it may be able to prevent

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Colon Cancer Treatment abroad Colon/Bowel cancer treatment could be defined as colorectal cancer treatment, and includes large bowel cancer (colon cancer) and cancer of the back passage (rectal cancer). The naming changes according to where the cancer starts to spread. The bowel is part of the digestive system and after the digestion took place the food we ate moves to the large bowel. The colon is the first part of the large bowel. It is made to absorbs water and to transform the waste matte

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Endometrial Cancer Treatment Abroad Endometrial or Uterus cancer is the cancer that is found in the uterus. It starts in the endometrium of the uterus. Endometrium is nothing but the innermost lining layer of the uterus. Uterus also known as womb is hollow pear-shaped organ in women’s pelvis. It carries various types of cell which helps women to carry a baby. Uterus cancer is more common than that of other cancers of uterus such as uterine sarcoma. 

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Esophageal Cancer Treatment Abroad What is esophageal cancer? The esophagus is a tube-shaped section of tissue and muscle which acts as a funnel between the throat and the stomach. It allows food and liquid to travel from the mouth into the stomach is made up of a number of layers. The main two layers are the mucosa, or inner layer, and the submucosa, which is a muscular outer layer. Esophageal cancer, which is often referred to simply as throat cancer, tends to begin in the mucosa before

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Eye Cancer Treatment abroad Freckle are also known as nevus. They are the growths that occurs in or on eye and are colored. They are made up of melanocytes cells that colors our hair, skin and eyes. They are harmless and small chances are there to become a type of cancer called melanoma They are of different types: Conjunctival nevus Iris nevus Choroidal nevus

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Gallbladder Cancer Treatment Abroad, The growth of the cancerous cell in gallbladder is called as gallbladder cancer. It is one of the most uncommon type of cancer. If the cancer is diagnosed at early stage, chances of getting it cured is higher. However, detection of gallbladder is very hard as the relatively hidden nature helps the cancer to grow without get detected, hence it is often discovered at later stages.

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Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Abroad What is Hodgkin's Lymphoma? Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a form of cancer which develops in a group of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which play an important role in maintaining the body's immune system. These lymphocyte cells are found in lymphoid tissue which can be found in all around the body, usually in the lymph nodes, bone marrow, the spleen, the tonsils and the digestive system. With lymphocytes present in many different parts of the b

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Kidney Cancer Treatment Abroad The abnormal growth of tumor or cancer cells in kidneys is known as kidney cancer. The most common type of kidney cancer found in adults is renal cell carcinoma which occurs in renal tubules. Renal tubules help in cleaning blood and making urine. They mostly remain in kidneys; however, they can spread to other body parts too. In children, Wilms’ Tumor can be found in kidneys.

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Liver Cancer Treatment Abroad Liver cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in liver. Liver plays an important role in human body. Liver has different types of cell hence various types of tumors can occur. Hepatocellular Carcinoma is one of the most common type of liver cancer that appear in the main type of liver cell. Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and hepatoblastoma are some of the other uncommon forms of liver cancer.

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One of the most common cancer is Lung Cancer whose major risk factor is Smoking. Although, not always smoking is the cause of Lung cancer, but yes active smoking or a history of smoking is one of the major causes of this cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important to prevent any case fatality.  Screening is very important for people who are at risk of developing Lung Cancer. If you are an active smoker or have had quit smoking in recent past 15 years you are advised to get y

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Multiple Myeloma Treatment treatments abroad  The formation of cancerous cells in plasma cell (type of blood cell) is called as Multiple myeloma. The plasma cells help in fighting infections and attacking germs. The cancer leads to accumulation of cancer cells in bone marrow this results in formation of abnormal proteins that can cause problems.

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Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the ovaries. The female reproductive system contains two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries — each about the size of an almond — produce eggs (ova) as well as the hormones estrogen and progesterone.   Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until it has spread within the pelvis and abdomen. At this late stage, ovarian cancer is more difficult to treat. Early-stage ovarian cancer, in which the disease is confined

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Over growing of cancer cells in the stomach leads to Stomach or Gastric Cancer. However, stomach cancer usually takes years to develop. In case, you present the symptoms early your physician could start the treatment early, but in few cases, the patients are asymptomatic for many years. When it is symptomatic it is treated easily and early.  Stomach cancer develops due to various factors. Some of the factors are –  Being overweight  Prolonged ulcers  Smokin

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Vaginal Cancer Treatment Abroad The abnormal growth of cancerous cell in the vagina is called as vaginal cancer. Vagina is the canal that starts from the cervix to the outside of the body. It occurs in the cells that forms the surface of the vagina also known as birth canal. Vaginal cancer is uncommon, and it gets difficult to treat if it spread beyond the vagina. An early diagnosis is the best way for a to improve the curing chances. Types of vaginal cancer Vaginal squamous cell

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Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment Abroad Salivary gland makes saliva which helps in digestion, keeping mouth moist and also helps in maintaining healthy teeth.  The growth of cancerous cells in salivary gland leads to salivary gland cancer.

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