Uterine Transplant | Uterus Transplant | Womb Transplant‎

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A uterine transplant, also known as a womb transplant, is a surgical procedure in which a healthy uterus is transplanted into a woman who does not have a functioning uterus. The procedure is primarily intended for women who have uterine factor infertility (UFI), meaning they were born without a uterus, had their uterus removed due to a medical condition such as cancer, or have a non-functioning uterus due to a congenital abnormality or other factors.

The uterus is typically sourced from a deceased or living donor, and the transplant recipient undergoes a series of medical evaluations to ensure they are a suitable candidate for the procedure. The surgical procedure involves transplanting the uterus and its blood vessels into the recipient’s pelvis, and then connecting the transplanted uterus to the recipient’s vagina.

After the procedure, the recipient undergoes a period of monitoring and immune suppression therapy to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted uterus. If successful, the recipient may be able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term, either through in vitro fertilization (IVF) or by using their own eggs and partner’s sperm.

Table of Contents

Uterus Transplant Procedure

A uterus transplant, also known as a uterine transplant or womb transplant, is a complex surgical procedure that involves removing the uterus from a donor and transplanting it into a recipient who does not have a functioning uterus. Here are the general steps of the uterus transplant procedure:

  • Donor selection and evaluation: The uterus is typically sourced from a deceased donor, although living donors may also be considered in some cases. The donor undergoes a series of medical evaluations to ensure that the uterus is healthy and suitable for transplantation.
  • Recipient evaluation and preparation: The recipient undergoes a series of medical evaluations to ensure that she is a suitable candidate for the procedure. This may include tests to evaluate her overall health, fertility, and psychological readiness for the transplant.
  • Surgery: The transplant surgery typically involves a team of surgeons and can take several hours to complete. The donor uterus is carefully removed and transplanted into the recipient’s pelvis. The blood vessels and other tissues are then connected to the recipient’s own blood vessels and tissues.
  • Recovery and monitoring: Following the surgery, the recipient is closely monitored for signs of rejection or other complications. Immunosuppressive medications are typically used to prevent rejection of the transplanted uterus.
  • Pregnancy and delivery: If the transplant is successful, the recipient may be able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. This may involve the use of assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

It’s worth noting that uterus transplant is a highly experimental procedure that is still in the early stages of development. There have been a limited number of successful uterus transplants worldwide, and the long-term risks and benefits of the procedure are not yet fully understood.

Cost Of Uterus Transplant In India

The cost of treatment in India is extremely affordable. The financial aspect associated with Uterus transplant is that it costs between USD 18000-20,000 in India. The duration of the entire procedure is close to 12 hours.  Undergoing treatment in India, you can be sure that you are in safe hands, as all the uterus transplants performed in top hospitals of India have been successful. There are few experienced and highly qualified doctors for performing this surgery as this surgery is relatively new. But many clinics have been working on this and will become successful in producing more skilled doctors for providing best-in-class treatment to the patients.

This branch of medicine is highly specialized, making it difficult to determine the cost before reviewing the case. The specialists in our network will assess each case individually and recommend a personalized treatment plan. Please contact our Care Team to get a treatment plan and quote for a treatment.