Dr. Jyoti B Sharma Neurologist

Dr. Jyoti B Sharma


13 Years of Experience

Fortis Hospital, Noida, Noida, India

  • Currently associated with fortis hospital, Noida.
  • She has special interest in Movement Disorder, Headache and Stroke, thrombolytic therapy (clot burstingtherapy) for stroke, Botox Injection therapy, carpaltunnel injection therapy and Neuroelectrophysiology (EMG and NCV).
  • She has presented number of research papers and Presentations in International and National conferences and delivered talks in various forums.
  • Member of many prestigious institutes such as Indian Academy of Neurology, Indian Stroke Association, Neurological Society of India, Delhi Neurological Association, Association of Physician of India

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  • MBBS 
  • MD (Medicine) from Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla 
  • DM (Neurology), Premium institute G.B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi


22 procedures across 8 departments

Brain Aneurysm Repair Abroad It is a surgery to treat a weak area in the blood vessel wall which leads to a bulge or burst of the vessel which can cause bleeding into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain that forms a collection of blood. Symptoms being behavior change, speech problems, numbness, vision problems, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, etc. Diagnostic tests are Cerebrospinal fluid test, CT, MRI, Cerebral angiogram, and X-ray. Treatment for the disease can be aneurysm clippin

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Brain Tumor Treatment abroad Treatment for a brain tumor differs depending on several factors: a person's age, general health, type of tumor, the size and  location. Several diverse types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can start on your brain (primary brain tumors), or cancer may begin in different parts of the human body and distribute to a brain (secondary, or metastatic, b

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Brainstem Glioma Treatment abroad Brainstem glioma is a rare form of tumor found in brainstem. Brainstem glioma can spread to the nervous system. They are generally from Astrocytoma group and mainly occurs in pediatrics or young adults. The brainstem glioma can be cured by surgery, however, use of radiation therapy may be required if the surgery is unable to cure it.

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Cerebral Angiogram treatments abroad,

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Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) Treatment treatments abroad CCSVI is a chronic problem where blood flow from the brain and spinal cord is reduced and does not reach the heart. It further causes Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that affects the nervous system. This problem is a result of faulty valves in the vein. Signs and symptoms are muscle cramping, fatigue, vision problems, muscle paralysis, “pins and needles” sensation. Ultrasound and MRI are diagnostic tests. Venou

Learn more about Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) Treatment

Electromyography is a procedure in which the health condition of the muscles and their nerves is evaluated. The nerve cells are identified as the motor neurons, these motor neurons transmit the electrical signals, and these cause the muscles to relax and contract. Electromyography translates these signals into numbers or graphics, which are used by doctors to make a diagnosis. The doctor mostly orders EMG when the patient is displaying the symptoms of a nerve or muscle disorder. These symptoms i

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Epilepsy Consultation treatments abroad The initial epilepsy consultation plays a keen role in treating the problem of seizures. Epilepsy treatment removes a small part of the brain that causes seizures. The neurologist asks for the diagnostic test of Electroencephalogram (EEG) to know the main cause. Then the doctor prescribes Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) to control the seizures. Symptoms of epilepsy are seen in early childhood or after age 60. So epilepsy consultation will educate you on lif

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Epilepsy Treatment treatments abroad Epilepsy treatment refers to a clinical treatment where the tiny part of the brain which creates seizures, is eliminated using a little electrical device that is put in the body. A variety of reasons may lead to seizures for which Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) are given to control seizures. This disease may occur in childhood or after age 60 The symptoms of this disease differ from person to person. An electroencephalogram (EEG) helps to diagnose epilepsy.

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Meningioma Treatment Abroad Meningioma is not cancer however, as it may damage the adjacent brain or nerves it is included in the category. It is rather a common form of tumor.  It develops in the meninges. Meninges is the membrane surrounding brain and spinal cord. They grow very slow and do not show any symptoms for many years. In some cases, it can lead to disability due to effect on nerves or vessels.

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Migraine Treatment treatments abroad Migraine is a medical state in which a mild or severe headache is felt as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. The reason for migraines is an abnormal activity which sometimes affects nerve signals, chemicals, and blood vessels in the brain. The common prodromes are feeling sick, vomiting, disturbed vision, and increased sensitivity to light or sound. Where some people have migraines several times a week, others have it occasionally. Hormonal, emotion

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Consultation treatments abroad Patients with MS disease have problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance which can cause serious disability. So initial MS consultation and subsequent consultations are essential parts of a medical treatment process. For diagnosis, neurologists may recommend diagnostic tests like blood tests and MRI. After a patient is diagnosed, the doctor informs the treatment plans and if possible may suggest exercise, meditatio

Learn more about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Consultation

Stroke Consultation treatments abroad Stroke consultation is an essential part of a medical treatment process for patients suffering from stroke. Stroke is a damage caused when blood vessels in the brain are blocked or burst. After a patient is diagnosed with stroke, the first step is to consult a neurologist, who can discuss the extent of the stroke through diagnostic tests including MRI, CT scan, ECG, blood tests. Doctor talks about the treatment plan and educates about the benefits and

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Parkinson's Disease Consultation treatments abroad Parkinson's Disease Consultation plays a role in the diagnosis and treatment of a disorder caused by deterioration of nerve cells in the brain due to which the patient has problems in walking, talking and even eating. After a patient is diagnosed with disorder, the neurologist discusses the treatment options available for patients and aware them about the benefits and the risks of that treatment.  Once the treatment process is

Learn more about Parkinson's Disease Consultation

Parkinson's Disease Treatment treatments abroad Parkinson’s disease is a condition where part of the brain is damaged over a course of years. The disease is not curable but treatment is done to reduce the symptoms. It is a neurodegenerative disorder that develops slowly over years. The progression of the disease varies from one person to another. Not disease but the complications of Parkinson’s disease are serious.  

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Schwannoma Treatment abroad, Nerves in the body are protected by a layer of tissue sheath. When a tumor occurs in the cells of the sheath, then it is referred as Schwannoma treatment. This can occur in any part of the body and at any age. Generally, it grow slowly, but if they grow large they can affect other places too that can be hard to remove.

Learn more about Schwannoma Treatment

Skull Base Surgery Abroad A surgical treatment to remove a tumor or any cancerous growth at the bottom of the skull is referred to as skull base surgery. Symptoms are facial pain, headache, numbness, hearing loss, ringing in ears, weakness of the face, etc. Diagnostic tests are endoscopy, CT scan, MRI, MRA, PET scan, and biopsy. Treatment for the disease can be minimally invasive surgery, open surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, gamma knife, proton beam therapy, and particle therap

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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