Dr. Boman Dhabar Medical Oncologist

Dr. Boman Dhabar

Medical Oncologist

25 Years of Experience

Fortis Hospital Mulund, Mumbai, India

  • Dr. Dhabhar has passed MD-Internal Medicine from Mumbai University and then pursued Super specialization training in Medical Oncology and Hemat-Oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital. 
  • He also completed his Certification and Fellowship in Medical Oncology from European Society of Medical Oncology, The University Of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, U.S.A. and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington, U.S.A.
  • Currently he is a Medical Oncologist at  Fortis Cancer Institute.
  • He was President of West Zone Section of Urological Society of India in year 2005.
  • He was President of Urological Society of India in year 2015.

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MBBS - Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion,Mumbai, 1985
MD - General Medicine - Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion,Mumbai, 1988
Fellowship in Medical Oncology - Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, 1991


10 procedures across 1 departments

Cancer Screening treatments abroad  Cancer screening is one of important procedure that helps in diagnosing the cancer at its earliest stage. This increases the chances of curing the cancer. Reports has suggested that the cancer screening can save lives. Therefore, cancer screening is suggested to people who are prone to cancer. How it is done Physical exam Laboratory tests Imaging tests  Biopsy

Learn more about Cancer Screening

Cancer Staging treatments abroad,

Learn more about Cancer Staging

Chemotherapy treatments abroad Chemotherapy is a range of treatments which aim to destroy or slow the growth of cancer cells using the medicine, drugs, and other chemical compounds. Chemotherapy is most effective when combined with surgery and radiotherapy. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is dependent upon the type of cancer being treated, and its stage of development. Sometimes chemotherapy is able to completely destroy the cancerous cells, whilst in other cases, it may be able to prevent

Learn more about Chemotherapy

Liver Cancer Treatment Abroad Liver cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in liver. Liver plays an important role in human body. Liver has different types of cell hence various types of tumors can occur. Hepatocellular Carcinoma is one of the most common type of liver cancer that appear in the main type of liver cell. Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and hepatoblastoma are some of the other uncommon forms of liver cancer.

Learn more about Liver Cancer Treatment

One of the most common cancer is Lung Cancer whose major risk factor is Smoking. Although, not always smoking is the cause of Lung cancer, but yes active smoking or a history of smoking is one of the major causes of this cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important to prevent any case fatality.  Screening is very important for people who are at risk of developing Lung Cancer. If you are an active smoker or have had quit smoking in recent past 15 years you are advised to get y

Learn more about Lung Cancer Treatment

Oncology Consultation treatments abroad Oncology is the strand of medicine which deals with and treats cancers, tumours, and other associated health conditions. Oncologists are medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating cancers, and generally tend to specialize in specific fields such as radiation oncology or surgical oncology. After a patient is diagnosed with cancer, the first step in the treatment process is to consult with an oncologist, who can discuss the extent of

Learn more about Oncology Consultation

Regional Chemotherapy treatments abroad,

Learn more about Regional Chemotherapy

Over growing of cancer cells in the stomach leads to Stomach or Gastric Cancer. However, stomach cancer usually takes years to develop. In case, you present the symptoms early your physician could start the treatment early, but in few cases, the patients are asymptomatic for many years. When it is symptomatic it is treated easily and early.  Stomach cancer develops due to various factors. Some of the factors are –  Being overweight  Prolonged ulcers  Smokin

Learn more about Stomach Cancer Treatment

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