Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing abroad

Egg freezing, medically recognized as oocyte cryopreservation is a course of action to preserve a woman’s eggs. This is a practice that freezes and preserves the fertility of a woman who wishes to have children in the future.

In this procedure, the eggs are taken out, frozen, and stored. This procedure helps the woman to choose pregnancy in the future where the eggs get defrosted and fertilized. The procedure’s success rate highly depends on the age of the woman. Nowadays, Vitrification is the emerging technique of Egg freezing.


Which other Reproductive Medicine procedures can I find abroad?

Many accredited hospitals are providing high standard egg-freezing treatments abroad. IVF treatment hospitals abroad, Hormone therapy hospitals abroad, Intrauterine Insemination hospitals abroad, etc.   

What affects the final cost of Egg Freezing?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Choice of Clinic or Hospital
  • Location, Country
  • Experience of the doctor's team
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses

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About Egg Freezing

Egg freezing is the process of harvesting and freezing a number of matured female eggs for use in future IVF procedures.

Egg freezing is commonly performed for women who are not yet ready to have children but plan to have children in the future and wish to maintain their ability to conceive.

It is also performed for women who have been diagnosed with cancer and need to go undergo radiotherapy treatment. Radiotherapy can deplete the number of eggs, therefore freezing eggs before undergoing treatment can preserve the ability to conceive in the future.

Egg freezing differs from embryo cryopreservation, as the eggs harvested are not fertilized before they are frozen.

Before the eggs are harvested, the patient will usually take hormone medication to increase the production of eggs. Once the eggs are ready, they are harvested and then frozen.

The eggs are usually stored for up to 10 years, and can be thawed when the women choose. In some cases, this period may be extended. It is important to keep the clinic up-to-date with any change of contact details, as they need to make contact if the freezing period is coming to an end.

Recommended for Patients undergoing medical treatment that compromises their fertility (like chemotherapy). Patients who want to have children in the future but are not ready yet.

Time requirements: 

The average length of stay abroad 2 weeks. As the process around ovary stimulation can take several weeks, it is best to discuss the logistical practicalities with your physician. The number of trips abroad needed 1. After taking hormones to increase egg production, the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries.

Before Procedure / Treatment

As with IVF, the patient takes a drug to suppress the natural menstrual cycle. This can be administered by the patient, as a daily injection or a nasal spray, and lasts for around 2 weeks.

The woman will then begin using a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which is in the form of daily injection. This hormone increases the number of eggs produced by the ovaries, and the clinic will monitor the progress.

This stage usually lasts 10 to 12 days. Around 34 to 38 hours before the eggs are due to be collected, there will be a final hormone injection which stimulates the eggs to mature.,

How it Performed?

The patient is sedated before the procedure begins. The eggs are then removed from the ovaries using a needle which is inserted through the vagina, under the guidance of an ultrasound.

Once extracted, the eggs are slowly frozen down to (minus) -20°C where they are stored in an anti-freeze solution to prevent the corruption of genetic material. The eggs are retrieved using a needle and ultrasound guidance and are then frozen down to (minus) -20°C.

Top 10 Hospitals for Egg Freezing

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Egg Freezing in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 Sri Ramachandra Medical Center India Chennai ---    
2 Chiangmai Ram Hospital Thailand Chiang Mai ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 Privatklinik Bethanien Switzerland Zurich ---    
5 Gachon University Gil Medical Center South Korea Incheon ---    
6 Columbia Asia Hospital India Pune ---    
7 Revital Aspach Austria Aspach ---    
8 HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch Germany Berlin ---    
9 WALK AGAIN Center Germany Berlin ---    
10 Medicover Hospital Hungary Hungary Budapest ---    

Best doctors for Egg Freezing

Following are the best doctors for Egg Freezing in the world:


Frequently Asked Questions

Egg freezing may be considered by -

  • Women who want delay their pregnancy in order to pursue their career, education, etc.
  • Women who need to undergo treatment that may affect their reproductive health. (chemotherapy, radiotherapy)
  • Who wish to save their fertility for future.
  • Women who are undergoing IVF and male partner is not able to produce enough sperms on the particular day.

The best age to free eggs is late twenties. Because after 30 there is decline infertility and it greatly after the age of 40.

Hormonal injection is given to stimulate the ovaries so that multiple eggs are produced and ripened.

A needle is placed through the vagina to harvest the ovaries. The procedure is ultrasound guided. Once the eggs are retrieved they are immediately frozen.

Women mostly store eggs for 5-10 years. But also women who have stored eggs for more than 10 years have given birth to healthy babies. However, how long the eggs can be stored safely is not yet clear.

10-20 eggs can be stored in each cycle. It is recommended to store 10 eggs for each pregnancy.

Egg freezing is very effective. Vitrification is a form of freezing that is very effective. A good number of eggs survive the freezing and thawing process.

During the egg freezing process, you can expect: 

  • Egg retrieval process takes 20-30 minutes. 
  • The procedure is done under anaesthesia.
  • Ultrasound probe is inserted in the vagina to locate the follicles.
  • A suction device is used to retrieve the eggs.
  • After the procedure some may experience cramps or some pressure. This fades away within a week.

The eggs are retrieved trans-vaginally from the ovarian follicles. The procedure is done under ultrasound guidance. The needle reaches the ovaries to retrieve the eggs from follicles.

Egg freezing is done by the following methods –

  • Use of cryoprotectants
  • Slow freezing technique
  • Vitrification

Egg freezing procedure is done under anaesthesia. So, a woman does not feel the pain. After the egg is retrieved there is a feeling of fullness, cramps, or pressure. All these symptoms disappear in a week of time.

You are advised to take rest for one complete day after egg retrieval. One can resume their work after a week.

The number of eggs to be stored depends on the following 3 factors –

  • Number of pregnancy you want
  • Age when you are freezing the eggs
  • Number of eggs retrieved in one cycle

It is generally advised to freeze 10-15 eggs for each planned pregnancy.

Yes, you may need more than one egg freezing cycle if the ovaries does not produce enough eggs in one cycle. Or if a woman wants to get pregnant multiple times.

When you are ready to get pregnant, your frozen eggs will be thawed, fertilized with sperm in a lab, and implanted in your or a gestational carrier's uterus. Your healthcare team might recommend using a fertilization technique called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

While frozen eggs offers no guarantee of achieving a successful pregnancy and birth, women under 35 who freeze 10-20 eggs have a 70-90% chance of at least one live birth. If they undergo another cycle and increase the number of eggs frozen to 20, their chances jump to 90%

Optimum age to freeze your eggs in your late twenties. However, freezing eggs at thirty to thirty five is also quite common. Fertility starts to decline from the age of thirty and is greatly reduced after forty years of age.

AMH levels below 1.6 ng/mL predict a smaller number of eggs retrieved with IVF. Levels below 0.4 ng/mL are severely low.

However,  It is completely possible to get pregnant with your own eggs or donor eggs with low AMH.

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 06 Apr, 2022.

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