Artificial Insemination

Artificial Insemination treatments abroad

What Is Artificial Insemination?

Artificial Insemination refers to a process involving purposely introducing sperm into a female?s sex organs in order for them to become pregnant. It may refer to a number of techniques which might involve several forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies such as Intracervical Insemination, Intrauterine Insemination, or other techniques. Medical tests are involved to make sure both partners are healthy and that there are no medical reasons why the couple should not be a donor for the procedure. If the sperm is obtained through a sperm bank, they will have already been screened for quality. Sperm may be obtained through a variety of other methods as well, but in all cases the sperm is tested for motility and viability.

The female's ovulation cycle will be determined as the timing of the introduction is crucial, and often involves the use of an ovulation kit and ultrasounds. Artificial Insemination may be used by a heterosexual couple having difficulty conceiving or are otherwise incapable of reproducing naturally, a lesbian couple through a sperm donor, or by a single woman without a partner through a sperm donor. Fertility medications may also be used to enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, although they increase the chances of multiple births.

Why Would I Travel Abroad For Artificial Insemination?

There are many reasons why a patient would travel abroad for many kinds of medical procedures. Assisted Reproductive Technologies are often not covered by insurance and can become quite expensive. At Mozocare, we are able to put patients in touch with some of the best clinics in the world performing artificial insemination, and often save patients up to 80% compared to prices in the US or UK. In the United States, using partner's sperm (sperm not obtained from a sperm bank), Artificial Insemination can cost as much as $4,000 per cycle after including ultrasounds and medication. At Mozocare, we have clinics that can perform the procedure starting at $124 per cycle.

Many patients use medical travel as an opportunity to take a vacation, and we offer destinations such as Spain, Mexico, and Turkey. Artificial Insemination is restricted by law in many countries, especially for single women and lesbian couples, and a patient may have to travel abroad in order to find a clinic that will perform it. A woman may also travel abroad for the procedure out of a need for discretion to escape societal stigmas. We believe that quality medical care should be available and affordable for everybody.,

What affects the final cost of Artificial Insemination?

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses
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About Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination is the direct insertion of sperm into a woman's uterus, cervix, or fallopian tubes with the aim of achieving pregnancy. By directly inserting the sperm, it makes easier for the sperm to travel and fertilize the egg. Artificial insemination can help women who have had difficulty conceiving through sexual intercourse and whose partners have been shown to have low-motility sperm, a low sperm count or other fertility issues. It is also an option for women suffering with endometriosis or other abnormalities in their reproductive organs.

There are different types of artificial insemination which include intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracervical insemination (ICI). Intrauterine insemination is the most popular and efficient type of artificial insemination and involves inserting the washed sperm into the uterus using a catheter. Intracervical insemination involves injecting unwashed sperm into the cervix with a syringe. Some patients may receive artificial insemination in conjunction with hormonal injections to optimizes their chances of achieving pregnancy.

If artificial insemination is not successful, patients may want to explore alternative options such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Recommended for Women having difficulty conceiving through intercourse Low-motility sperm Low sperm count Endometriosis Abnormalities with reproductive organs Time requirements Average length of stay abroad 5 - 7 days. Number of trips abroad needed 1. Artificial insemination is a straight-forward procedure that can increase the chance of getting pregnant. ,

Before Procedure / Treatment

Before artificial insemination, the doctor will conduct a number of tests to monitor the patient's uterus and pinpoint the time when conception is most likely. The overall health of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and womb are usually examined via laparoscopy, ultrasound scan or X-ray. If using partner sperm, the partner will be asked to provide a semen sample when the woman is ovulating.

Most doctors will ask that the man abstains from sex or masturbation for between 2 and 5 days ahead of the procedure to improve sperm count. If IUI is being performed, then the sample is "washed" or processed in a laboratory, which aims to portion out the healthiest sperm for use in the process. If using donor sperm, the artificial insemination will be performed when the woman is ovulating, using thawed sperm or fresh donor sperm.,

How it Performed?

If IUI is being performed, the processed sperm are placed in a catheter which is through the vaginal canal and cervix, and into the uterus. If ICI is being performed, then the sperm are placed into a syringe which is injected into the cervix.

After insemination, the woman should lie down for up to an hour, to increase the chance of a successful conception. Procedure duration The Artificial Insemination takes 15 to 60 minutes. The semen is introduced directly into the vagina or uterus.,



Top 10 Hospitals for Artificial Insemination

Following are the best 10 hospitals for Artificial Insemination in the world:

# Hospital Country City Price
1 Sri Ramachandra Medical Center India Chennai ---    
2 Chiangmai Ram Hospital Thailand Chiang Mai ---    
3 Medipol Mega University Hospital Turkey Istanbul ---    
4 Asan Medical Center South Korea Seoul ---    
5 Policlinica Ntra. Sra. del Rosario Spain Ibiza ---    
6 Jordan University Hospital Jordan Amman ---    
7 Hirslanden Klinik Im Park Switzerland Zurich ---    
8 Chung-Ang University Hospital South Korea Seoul ---    
9 Apollo Hospital Chennai India Chennai ---    
10 Prime Hospital United Arab Emirates Dubai ---    

Best doctors for Artificial Insemination

Following are the best doctors for Artificial Insemination in the world:

1 Dr. Renuka Sinha Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Jaypee Hospital

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 17 Jun, 2020.

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