Managing Cancer related Side Effects


Skin is the largest sense organ. The main function of the skin is not only to provide a feeling of touch and sensation but also protects our internal body organs from the exterior world. Hair present on our body and head, nails on the fingers and toes, sweating from our body all these are a protective mechanism of our body.

Why skin problem occurs in a cancer patient?

  • Cancer and cancer treatment are a degenerative process. In this process, the cells of the body break down into smaller and numerous cells.
  • During chemotherapy and radiotherapy (cancer treatment regimen), these therapeutic agents break down the excess body cells.
  • Certain therapy on cancer cells affects cell growth and its spread to the other body parts is prevented.

In normal circumstances, skin cells die every 20 days. But during the cancer treatment, this cycle becomes shorten and skin cells die very frequently. Sometimes it also stimulates melanin cell overactivity. The melanin cells are responsible for skin pigmentation. Due to the overactivity of melanin cells, darkening of the skin is also common during cancer treatment.

Common cancers having skin problem as a side effect

Mostly the cancer treatment causes loss of hair and eyebrows, skin dryness, and itching. But severe skin diseases are most common with breast and skin cancer. In skin cancer, deep and shallow wounds can be easily seen on the patient’s body. These wounds rarely heal as the immunity is compromised and one can easily catch infection through the wounds.

Sign and symptoms of skin problem in cancer patients

Sign and symptoms of skin problems are –

  • Dryness of skin
  • Itching all over the body
  • Rashes on the body
  • Darkening of skin
  • Dark patches all over the body
  • Falling of hairs
  • Baldness
  • Weakening of nails
  • Increased sweating from the body
  • White scales on the skin causes itching
  • Fungal infection
  • Bedsores or pressure sores in bedridden cancer patients. In bedridden patients, it is seen in the back and hips.

Ways to manage skin problems in cancer patients

Following methods helps to manage skin problems in cancer patients-

  • Take plenty of vegetables in your diet
  • Take plenty of fluids every day
  • Stay hydrated
  • Apply coconut oil on the affected part
  • Do not use unnecessary cosmetic items
  • Cover your skin before going out in the sunlight
  • Apply steroid cream on the affected part on your doctor’s advice

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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