Managing Cancer related Side Effects


There are various reasons for cancer patients to experience shortness of breath. It occurs as a side effect of cancer, especially in an advanced stage of breast cancer and lung cancer.

Shortness of breath makes a person uncomfortable and conscious of breathing. It can be a terrible experience of not getting enough air. Breathing becomes laborious with stiffness on the chest and a feeling of suffocation.

What causes shortness of breath in cancer patients?

Various factors are responsible for shortness of breath. Given below are common causes of shortness of breath.

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Presence of fluid between lungs and chest wall
  • Less level of oxygen in the blood
  • Bronchospasm
  • Infection in the lungs (pneumonia)
  • Anemia
  • Blood clot
  • Radiation therapy causing on the lungs
  • Tumor in the lungs
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Excess weight
  • Allergic reaction
  • Bluish discoloration of lips, mouth, or fingers
  • Pale skin

How to manage shortness of breath in cancer patients

Managing shortness of breath is a critical part of cancer care. Your healthcare provider will study the symptoms and will diagnose the trigger causing dyspnea (shortness of breath).

  • Practice some breathing techniques as it helps decrease shortness of breath
  • Prioritize your work and activities and take a rest in between
  • Relax and stay calm to prevent shortness of breath
  • While lying on the bed make sure to stay in a comfortable position. Keep the head raised or keep a pillow under the knees
  • Engage yourself in light exercises. Being active can help manage and prevent shortness of breath
  • Clean air with low humidity eliminates the symptoms of dyspnea
  • Keep a record of what and when makes you anxious. If there is a certain pattern then try to relax and stay calm in such situations
  • Stay connected with your healthcare provider. Certain prescribed medications can alleviate shortness of breath
  • Respiratory therapy helps a patient learn breathing techniques
  • Quit smoking

When to see a doctor or when to call a doctor

  • Breathlessness with pain in the lungs
  • Not getting any relief from prescribed medicines
  • Trouble in speaking
  • Blood in sputum
  • Swelling on the face, neck, and arms

Take help

Breathlessness due to cancer can make a person stressed, angry, sad, frightened, and guilty. All these are normal to occur in cancer. Take the support of your family and friends about your feelings. Also, take professional help for better support and management.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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