Managing Cancer related Side Effects

Cancer and cancer treatment adversely affects cognitive behavior. The cognitive changes include thoughts, memory, behavior, and concentration. Change in all these aspects interferes with the persons’ ability to perform the daily routine task. You might recover from cancer but the cognitive problem might still persist.

Change in thinking is not common to all cancer survivors. The changes can range from mild to severe. The problem can improve over time with or without treatment.

Some patients recover from cognitive problems. Whereas in some the problem might be permanent.


It is very common to find the cognitive problem in cancer patients. Approximately 70-80% of cancer patients suffer from the cognitive problem and in some cancer survivors, the problem persists even after the treatment.

How to recognize cognitive problems

  • The problem in focussing or paying attention
  • Not able to remember common things
  • Finding it difficult to find the way
  • Often confused and take longer to tackle new things, not able to understand things.
  • Not able to make decisions
  • The problem in doing the multi-task

How to manage cognitive problems

If you are having cognitive problems it is recommended to talk to your healthcare professional. Given below are some of the tips that can help you cope with cognitive problems.

  • Keep a note of things to do in an entire day. Get your priority work done when you feel most energetic. Take rest and sleep adequately.
  • Take care of your mental and physical health. Being active releases the hormone endorphins. The hormones make you feel good. For mental health, meditation and certain mind games are beneficial.
  • Keep a planner and other electronic devices to help you remember important things that need to be performed.

Take support from where you can –

  • If you think you are having a problem communicating with the ones with whom you are comfortable is helpful.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider about the problem you are facing. This will help you control the symptoms and will help you manage your daily routine work.

Benefits of Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation are useful for people who are suffering from changes in thinking due to cancer treatment. Brain exercises and other activities under the guidance of trained professionals are beneficial in improving attention, memory, and other behavior.

Treatment of cognitive problems often helps in eliminating the symptoms. So, if you experience the signs and symptoms of cognitive problems then make a record of the problems and consult your doctor soon.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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