Dr. S.P. Kurinjinathan Psychiatrist

Dr. S.P. Kurinjinathan


MBBS, DPM, MRCPsych, MSc - Psychiatric Research

22 Years of Experience

MIOT International, Chennai, India

$800 $1000
  • Dr. Kurinjinathan is MIOT’s renowned psychiatrist with over 22 years of experience in the field.
  • His areas of expertise in psychiatry spans across child and adolescent, forensic, general adult and geriatric. 
  • Having trained in prestigious institutions in the UK for almost two decades, he has unmatched proficiency in treating anxiety, depression, dementia, delusion, OCD, bipolar disorders and other psychotic disorders.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is his forte as he is highly proficient in treating emotional and behavioral difficulties in people of all age groups which include common issues like work-related stress, anxiety, lack of motivation, attention disorders, confidence issues, mood extremes, irritability, difficulty sleeping, eating disorders, substance abuse and trauma.

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 11 Dec, 2022.

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