Dr P K Banarjee Orthopedecian & Joint Replacement Surgeon

Dr P K Banarjee

Orthopedecian & Joint Replacement Surgeon

27 Years of Experience

Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, India

  • Dr P K Banerjee is a renowned Orthopedecian in Kolkata, having an experience of more than 27 years. 
  • He did his MBBS, MS (Ortho) & MCH, and completed his FRCS from Edinburgh & Glasgow. 
  • He holds membership of some of the well-known organizations like Indian Society of Hip & Knee Surgeons (ISHKS), Member of AO Alumni Association, and West Bengal Arthroplasty Society (WBAS).  

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  • MBBS, 1971
  • MS, 1977
  • MCh, 1982
  • FRCS, 1982, Edinburgh
  • FRCS, 1987, Glasglow


10 procedures across 2 departments

Elbow Arthroscopy treatments abroad Arthroscopy is a procedure for diagnosing and treating joint problems. A surgeon inserts a narrow tube attached to a fiber-optic video camera through a small incision — about the size of a buttonhole. The view inside your joint is transmitted to a high-definition video monitor. Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to see inside your joint without making a large incision. Surgeons can even repair some types of joint damage during arthroscopy, with pencil-

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Elbow Replacement abroad The elbow is the joint between the arm and the forearms and is composed of three bones: the humerus (upper arm bone), the ulna (forearm bone on the pinky finger side) and the radius (forearm bone on the thumb side). The reasons why this joint needs to be replaced when other therapies to relieve the pain and discomfort have failed, are very similar to the ones that affect hips and knees. One of these is osteoarthritis, in which the cartilage that serves as cushion betw

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Hip Replacement abroad Hip Replacement abroad, A hip replacement involves replacing the natural hip joint that is not functional anymore and causes pain, with a prosthetic implant. Total hip joint replacement means that the end of the femur (thigh bone), cartilage, and hip socket are replaced to create new joint surfaces. Hip replacements are carried out to improve quality of life, relieving chronic pain caused by hip conditions, and improving hip mobility. Hip replacements are usually used

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Knee Arthroscopy abroad Knee Arthroscopy abroad In the strictest sense, knee arthroscopy involves the insertion of a camera (called arthroscopic camera) into a small incision in the knee so that the surgeon can examine different parts of the knee from the inside and repair or diagnose different conditions. The surgeon may insert other tools through other openings to repair or remove things from within the knee. Arthroscopic surgery may be an option for patients with several different conditi

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Knee Replacement abroad A total knee replacement may be necessary for patients who have severe damage to the knee joint and for whom less invasive treatments such as physical therapy are not helping. Total knee replacement involves removing the end of the femur bone and replacing it with a metal shell, replacing he top of the tibia with a plastic piece, and the knee cap may be replaced with a metal surface. The pieces are held in place by screws inserted into the bone. The plastic piece an

Learn more about Knee Replacement

Knee Surgery Abroad Knee surgery encompasses a range of procedures which involves surgical treatment on the knee area to correct issues such as ligament tears, osteoarthritis, and other traumas to the bone, muscle, or cartilage. There are many different variations of knee surgery, depending on the type and severity of the injury or condition. The most common forms of knee surgery are full knee replacement, ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) surgery, and knee arthroscopy. Knee injuries are commo

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Osteoarthritis Treatment Abroad Osteoarthritis is a medical condition which causes pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. When the cartilage becomes damaged either through injury or natural wear and tear, the joints lose their natural cushion and can begin to rub against each other. This friction can become extremely painful and result in further orthopedic problems. The body is usually able to repair the cartilage naturally, but when it is not able to do so then medical treatment is req

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Osteotomy treatments abroad Knee osteotomy is a surgical procedure that your doctor might recommend if you have arthritis damage in just one area of your knee. Osteotomy is also performed in combination with other types of knee surgery, such as cartilage surgery, if your leg is bowed or knock-kneed. Why it's done Slick cartilage covers the ends of the bones in a healthy knee and this allows the bones to move smoothly against each other. Osteoarthritis damages and wears away the cart

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Tendon Repair treatments abroad Tendon repair is surgery done to treat a torn or otherwise damaged tendon. Tendons are the soft, band-like tissues that connect muscles to bone. When the muscles contract, the tendons pull the bones and cause the joints to move. When tendon damage occurs, movement may be seriously limited. The damaged area may feel weak or painful.  

Learn more about Tendon Repair

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