Dr. Murugan N Gastroenterology Hepatologist

Dr. Murugan N

Gastroenterology Hepatologist

20 Years of Experience

Apollo Hospital Chennai, Chennai, India

  • Dr. Murugan N is a renowned hepatologist with a rich experience of 20 years.
  • Dr. Murugan N is currently associated as consultant with department of Hepatology at Apollo Hospital, Chennai
  • One of the leading Hepatologist and Liver Transplant Physician based in Chennai
  • Dr. Murugan N holds 14 years of experience in endoscopic procedures
  • Specializes in Viral Hepatitis, Fatty Liver, Liver Failure, Liver ICU management and Liver Transplantation
  • Expert in Colonoscopy and polypectomy Insertion of Colonic stents Emergency colonoscopic intervention for lower GI bleeding ERCP
  • Experienced in the treatment of patients with Viral hepatitis, in managing patients with end stage liver disease, in the assessment and work up of patients prior to liver transplantation, pre and post-operative care, and long-term management of immune suppression
  • Till now, has recent experience of 15 successful liver transplants

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  • MBBS 
  • FRCP

Awards and Recognitions

Best Doctor Award MGR Medical University, Adjunt Professor- Tamil Nadu MGR medical University


8 procedures across 3 departments

Find Colonoscopy abroad A colonoscopy is the examination of the colon (large intestine and bowel) with a video camera which is attached to a flexible tube with a light at the tip, and is passed through the anus. A colonoscopy helps to locate ulcers, tumors, polyps, and areas of inflammation. It also allows for tissue samples (biopsies) to be collected which can then be later tested as well as the opportunity to remove any abnormal growths. Colonoscopies are also used to screen for precancero

Learn more about Colonoscopy

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique that uses a combination of luminal endoscopy and fluoroscopic imaging to diagnose and treat conditions associated with the pancreatobiliary system. 

Learn more about Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

Find Hepatitis Consultation abroad with Mozocare,

Learn more about Hepatitis Consultation

Immunology is a field of medicine that focuses on the study of the immune system and its response to infections, diseases, and foreign substances. Immunologists specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a variety of conditions related to the immune system, including autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency disorders, allergies, infectious diseases, and antibody deficiency syndromes. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people seeking immunology consultatio

Learn more about Immunology Consultation

Find Liver Disease Evaluation abroad with Mozocare,

Learn more about Liver Disease Evaluation

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Liver Transplant (Living Related Donor) abroad  A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that removes a liver that no longer functions properly (liver failure) and replaces it with a healthy liver from a deceased donor or a portion of a healthy liver from a living donor. Your liver is your largest internal organ and performs several critical functions, including: Processing nutrients, medications and hormones Producing bile, which helps the body absorb fats, cholesterol and fat-solu

Learn more about Liver Transplant

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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