Dr. med. Anett Boschnakow


Capital Health - CityPraxen Berlin, Berlin, Germany

  • Dr. med. Anett Boschnakow Specializes in Dermatology, venereology and allergology.
  • She is Specialist in dermatology with a focus on laser medicine, dermatosurgery and aesthetic medicine in the CityPraxen BERLIN.
  • She completed her Medical studies from University of Sofia, Humboldt University, Charité.

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1988-1994-Medical studies-University of Sofia, Humboldt University, Charité


9 procedures across 4 departments

Acne Treatment treatments abroad Acne is a skin condition which is appears when the glands become blocked by skin cells, hair and sebum. Although acne is a common issue that many people will encounter, severe acne can be debilitating for self-esteem and confidence, and cause further skin problems. When acne becomes severe, professional treatment may be need to alleviate the symptoms. There are many different types of acne treatment depending on the severity of the acne. For more milder for

Learn more about Acne Treatment

Allergy consultation, which could be an initial or a follow-up consultation, is an appointment with an allergist or immunologist. It is recommended for patients who are suffering from allergy-related symptoms and those who are at risk and require preventive treatment. Immunoergology used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases such as: Anaphylaxis; Rhinitis; Asthma; Food allergy; Allergy to medicines; Dermatitis or atopic eczema; Hives and contact dermatitis, of

Learn more about Allergology Consultation

Dermatology Consultation treatments abroad Dermatology is the practice of treating issues relating to the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatology deals with the treatment of conditions such as acne, excessive sweating, and skin lesions. Most dermatology treatments do not require hospitalization, and will likely be performed in the office on the same day as your consultation. A consultation is a necessary part of most complex treatments, and for continuity of care it's generally recommended th

Learn more about Dermatology Consultation

Hair loss and scalp problems affect a vast majority of people around the world. These issues can be caused by various factors such as genetics, poor nutrition, stress, and hormonal imbalances. Fortunately, there are various hair and scalp treatments available abroad that can help individuals overcome these issues and restore their confidence. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular hair and scalp treatments available abroad, their costs, how they are performed, and where to fin

Learn more about Hair and Scalp Treatment

Laser Skin Resurfacing treatments abroad,

Learn more about Laser Skin Resurfacing

Mole Removal treatments abroad,

Learn more about Mole Removal

Skin Biopsy treatments abroad,

Learn more about Skin Biopsy

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Find Wrinkle Treatment abroad with Mozocare Wrinkle Treatment Abroad Wrinkles is the name given to the lines and creases that form in skin over time. Some of these creases may become deep or furrowed, particularly around the eyes and mouth, on the forehead, and on other areas of skin exposed to the sun such as the hands and forearms. There are a variety of factors that cause wrinkles - some that can be controlled and some that cannot. One such factor that can't be controlled is age. As we

Learn more about Wrinkle Treatment

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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