Dr Madan kumar K Cardiothoracic Surgeon

Dr Madan kumar K

Cardiothoracic Surgeon

15 Years of Experience

Apollo Hospital Chennai, Chennai, India

Dr Madan Kumar K is a senior consultant in Apollo Hospital Chennai.

He has an experience of 15+ years in his field.

He has done MBBS, MS & DNB (G S), MRCS, MCh (CTVs) and DNB (CTS).


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  • MBBS,
  • MS & DNB (G S),
  • MRCS,
  • MCh (CTVs)
  • DNB (CTS).


15 procedures across 3 departments

Aortic Valve Repair treatments abroad Aortic valve repair is the reconstruction of both form and function of the malfunctioning aortic valve. Most frequently it is applied for the therapy of aortic regurgitation. Aortic valve (AV) repair is now recognized as a good substitute for prosthetic valve replacement in selected patients suffering from aortic inadequacy (AI) or proximal aorta aneurysm. During the procedure, the cardiologist makes an incision on the breastbone to repair or replace the

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Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure treatment abroad An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall (septum) amid the duplet loftier compartments of your heart (atria). The disorder is present at birth (congenital). Minor shortcomings might be found by chance and never source a problem. Some small atrial septal defects close during infancy or early childhood.   Where can I find Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure Treatment Abroad? At Mozocare, you can find Atrial Septal Defect

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Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty Abroad  A valvuloplasty, also known as balloon valvuloplasty or balloon valvotomy, is a procedure to repair a heart valve that has a narrowed opening. In this valve condition, the valve flaps (leaflets) may become thick or stiff, and they may fuse together (stenosis). This causes the valve opening to be narrowed and results in reduced blood flow through the valve. A valvuloplasty may improve blood flow through the valve and improve your symptoms. In a valv

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Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery treatments abroad Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common heart disease conditions and happens when cholesterol and other materials build up in the artery walls, narrowing the artery and reducing the blood supply to the heart. This leads to chest pain and in the worse cases to a stroke, which can damage the patient life quality or have even more serious consequences. One way to treat this condition is to provide the blood a new way

Learn more about Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) treatments abroad An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is an examination that detects how your heart is functioning by determining the electrical activity of the heart. With every heartbeat, an electrical impulse travels through your heart. The wave causes the muscle to squeeze and propel blood from the heart. The electrical activity of the heart is then computed, analyzed, and printed out. No electricity is sent into the body. An EKG will help your doctor under

Learn more about Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

The most common type of heart surgery for adults is coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). During CABG, a healthy artery or vein from the body is connected, or grafted, to a blocked coronary (heart) artery. The grafted artery or vein bypasses (that is, goes around) the blocked portion of the coronary artery. This creates a new path for oxygen-rich blood to flow to the heart muscle. CABG can relieve chest pain and may lower your risk of having a heart attack. Doctors also use heart surgery to

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Heart Valve replacement is a medical procedure to substitute one or more of the heart valves damaged, or affected by a disease. The process is done as an alternative to valve repair. In conditions when valve repair or catheter-based procedures become nonviable, the cardiologist may propose undergoing the valve replacement surgery. During the procedure, your cardio-surgeon detaches the heart valve and restores it with a mechanical one or one made from cow, pig or human heart tissue (biological ti

Learn more about Heart Valve Replacement

Mitral Valve Repair treatments abroad  Mitral valve repair and mitral valve replacement are procedures that may be performed to treat diseases of the mitral valve — the valve located between the left heart chambers (left atrium and left ventricle). Types Annuloplasty Valvuloplasty. Why it's done? Mitral valve disease treatment depends on how severe your condition is, if you're experiencing signs and symptoms, and if your condition is getting worse. Your doctor and tre

Learn more about Mitral Valve Repair

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Closure treatments abroad  Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a persistent opening between the two major blood vessels leading from the heart. The opening, called the ductus arteriosus, is a normal part of a baby's circulatory system before birth that usually closes shortly after birth. If it remains open, however, it's called a patent ductus arteriosus.

Learn more about Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Closure

Pediatric Cardiology treatments abroad  Pediatric Cardiology is a specialty that addresses heart conditions in babies [including unborn babies], children, and teenagers. The scope of pediatric cardiology practice is extensive. Pediatric Cardiologists evaluate and care for fetuses, neonates, infants, children, adolescents, young adults, and adults. Pediatric Cardiology treatment has greatly evolved in the past few years and has helped thousands of children to lead normal lives today. W

Learn more about Pediatric Cardiology

The positron emission tomography scan popularly known as PET scan is a procedure where the images of the issues are taken and studied to see the proper functioning of the organ. In the PET scan, a radioactive drug is used to see the activity. The positron emission tomography scan can detect the diseases in an organ much before any other scan could identify them. The radio-active drug named tracer is either injected or inhaled or swallowed completely based on the organ that is being scanned in th

Learn more about PET Scan (Positron Emission Tomography)

Stress Electrocardiography (ECG) Abroad, An electrocardiogram (ECG) stress test monitors a person’s heartbeat at rest and during exercise, most commonly while a person walks on a treadmill. A physician observes the person, monitors the exercise level, and makes recordings until the person’s heart nears a maximum predicted heart rate. The heart also is monitored during the period of cool-down or recovery that immediately follows exercise. The recordings made before, during,

Learn more about Stress Electrocardiography (ECG)

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Find Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC) Surgery Abroad It is an defect in the veins leading from the lungs to heart. In TAPVC, the blood does not take the normal route from the lungs to the heart and out to the body. Instead, the veins from the lungs attach to the heart in abnormal positions and this problem means that oxygenated blood enters or leaks into the wrong chamber.  

Learn more about Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC) Surgery

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Closure treatments abroad  Ventricular septal defect (VSD), also referred to as a hole in the heart, is a congenital heart defect that causes blood to flow from the left to the right ventricle, which makes the heart have to work harder. In the cases whereby the hole is small, it may close by itself and surgery is not usually required. The baby's heart will need to be checked regularly in order to monitor the defect and symptoms while awaiting its cl

Learn more about Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Closure

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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