Dr. H. S. Bhatyal Urologist

Dr. H. S. Bhatyal


40 Years of Experience

BLK-MAX Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India

  • Dr. H. S. Bhatyal is a profound Urologist in India.
  • Currently associated with BLK super specialty hospital, New Delhi.
  • Dr Bahtyal is an active member of various prestigious organizations like the Urological Society of India, India Society of Organ Transplantation, and Indian Medical College Association.

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  • MBBS, 1972, University of Madras 
  • MS, 1978  MCh, 1986, AIIMS, New Delhi

Awards and Recognitions

  • Limca Book of Records National Record Edition 2001. 
  • Dr. CKP Menon Award for Best Scientific Paper Presentation at USICON 1989, Ahmedabad. 
  • Vijayawada Award for the best Poster Paper Presentation, USICON 1987, Jodhpur.


8 procedures across 2 departments

Prostate Biopsy abroad A Prostate biopsy is a laboratory test that performs for the detection of prostate cancer in males. The Prostate gland is responsible for the production of a sticky fluid that helps in sperm transportation. It is a walnut-shaped gland only a Urologist can study as he achieves specialization in the field of male sex organ and urinary organ so that only they can perform a prostate biopsy. males should be regular for the screening test and regular check-ups as it helps in

Learn more about Prostate Biopsy

Prostate Cancer Treatment treatments abroad Prostate cancer, or carcinoma of the prostate, is the most common cancer type among men who are more than 50 years old. The symptoms of the disease could resemble the ones of a common disease called benign prostatic hyperplasia, and include difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and back, pelvis and penis pain while urinating. In order to detect cancer presence and differentiate it from other conditions, a biopsy will be mandatory. Several treat

Learn more about Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Surgery  abroad The Prostate is a male reproductive gland that helps in producing a fluid which helps in nourishing and transporting sperms or semen. Prostate surgery is a complex and complicated treatment performed for treating enlarged prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In the procedure of prostate surgery, the urologist surgeon (doctor specialized in male sex organ and urinary organ) insert a tube through the tip of the penis (male reproductive organ) to the pro

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Prostate Ultrasound abroad The Prostate is a male reproductive gland that helps in producing a fluid which helps in nourishing and transporting sperms or semen. A prostate ultrasound is a method of examining the prostate gland by bouncing sound waves and ultrasound imaginary. Prostate ultrasound is a simple and effective procedure that took place in 30 minutes and results will be out in 3-4 days. Your doctor will suggest you prostate ultrasound if you face symptoms like low sperm count, blood

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