Dr Ashok Selvaraj Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dr Ashok Selvaraj

Orthopaedic Surgeon

MBBS, MS - Orthopedics

16 Years of Experience

MIOT International, Chennai, India

$800 $1000
  • Dr. Ashok Selvaraj specialises as an arthroscopic surgeon at MIOT International, Chennai.
  • His fields of surgical expertise include Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty and Complex Trauma.
  • He is proficient in surgical management of various traumatic and orthopaedic conditions especially that of knee and shoulder.
  • He is a member of Tamil Nadu Medical Council and AO Trauma Association and a life member of Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic association, Indian Orthopaedic association and Indian Arthroscopic Society. 

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  • He completed M.B.B.S from Stanley Medical College , Chennai ( 2005) and M.S.Ortho from Madras Medical College , Chennai ( 2010).
  • He had fellowship training in the field of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine in Ortho One Hospital , Coimbatore ( ISAKOS FELLOWSHIP).
  • He has done specialised training in Arthroscopy from Germany , France and Singapore as well.

Awards and Recognitions

  • Member of European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy ( ESSKA),
  • Life member of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOA),
  • Life member of Indian Arthroscopy Society ( IAS) and
  • Life member of Shoulder and Elbow Society of India (SESI)


17 procedures across 1 departments

Hip Arthroscopy abroad A hip arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows doctors too see hip joint in the absence of making a slit through skin and tissues. it is used to determine and treat a wide range of problems related to hip. This procedure does not require large incisions. An arthroscope (a small camera) is inserted into the hip joint and with the help of the images received on the monitor, the surgeon guide the miniature surgical instrument. This helps in diagnosing the

Learn more about Hip Arthroscopy

Hip Replacement abroad Hip Replacement abroad, A hip replacement involves replacing the natural hip joint that is not functional anymore and causes pain, with a prosthetic implant. Total hip joint replacement means that the end of the femur (thigh bone), cartilage, and hip socket are replaced to create new joint surfaces. Hip replacements are carried out to improve quality of life, relieving chronic pain caused by hip conditions, and improving hip mobility. Hip replacements are usually used

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Knee Arthroscopy abroad Knee Arthroscopy abroad In the strictest sense, knee arthroscopy involves the insertion of a camera (called arthroscopic camera) into a small incision in the knee so that the surgeon can examine different parts of the knee from the inside and repair or diagnose different conditions. The surgeon may insert other tools through other openings to repair or remove things from within the knee. Arthroscopic surgery may be an option for patients with several different conditi

Learn more about Knee Arthroscopy

Knee Replacement abroad A total knee replacement may be necessary for patients who have severe damage to the knee joint and for whom less invasive treatments such as physical therapy are not helping. Total knee replacement involves removing the end of the femur bone and replacing it with a metal shell, replacing he top of the tibia with a plastic piece, and the knee cap may be replaced with a metal surface. The pieces are held in place by screws inserted into the bone. The plastic piece an

Learn more about Knee Replacement

Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL) abroad The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is located in the knee and provides stability for the entire leg and lower half of the body. It is one of four major ligaments in the knee joint and perhaps the most important, allowing the knee to bend and twist without discomfort or limited motion. With similar properties to an elastic band, the anterior cruciate ligament can only pull, twist or stretch so far before it becomes damaged or tears. In fact, despite being

Learn more about Knee Ligament Surgery (ACL)

Knee Surgery Abroad Knee surgery encompasses a range of procedures which involves surgical treatment on the knee area to correct issues such as ligament tears, osteoarthritis, and other traumas to the bone, muscle, or cartilage. There are many different variations of knee surgery, depending on the type and severity of the injury or condition. The most common forms of knee surgery are full knee replacement, ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) surgery, and knee arthroscopy. Knee injuries are commo

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Ankle Arthroscopy treatments abroad Ankle arthroscopy is a procedure performed to diagnose or repair the Ankle and its nearby tissues. It is done by inserting a small camera (known as Arthroscope), through an incision. Unlike the open surgery, this incision is small. To make repairs, few more incisions are done. Ankle tissue repaired through arthroscopy, will take around 10-14 recovery days, to perform the routine activities. However, 4-6 weeks of recovery period should be expected for any sp

Learn more about Ankle Arthroscopy

Achilles Tendon Rupture treatments abroad The Achilles tendon attaches your calf muscles to your heel bone, or calcaneus. You use this tendon to jump, walk, run, and stand on the balls of your feet.  Continuous, intense physical activity, such as running and jumping, can cause painful inflammation of the Achilles tendon, known as Achilles tendonitis (or tendinitis). There are two types of Achilles tendonitis: insertional Achilles tendonitis and noninsertional Achilles tendonitis.&nbsp

Learn more about Achilles Tendon Rupture

Knee Fracture Treatment abroad Broken bone is called as fractured bone. The fracture thighbone that occur just above the knee joint are called distal femur fractures. The flaring out of bones like upside-down funnel is called distal femur. It occurs to them who have weaker bones or can occur due to high energy injuries. The knee fracture can lead to: Pain with weight-bearing Swelling and bruising Tenderness to touch at fracture site look "out of place" and the leg may appear shorter

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Wrist Arthroscopy treatments abroad To diagnose and treat joint problems arthroscopy is performed. In wrist arthroscopy the pain in joints of wrist is diagnosed and treated. The surgeon inserts a narrow tube attached to a fiber-optic video camera through a small incision. The video is displayed on monitor. The surgeon can access to your wrist joints without making a large incision. Which other orthopedic procedures can I find abroad? At Mozocare, you can find, Knee Replacement Abroad

Learn more about Wrist Arthroscopy

Broken bones are referred as fracture. Any accident or mishap or hard hit in the ankle area can cause ankle fracture. The range of seriousness can be from tiny cracks to skin piercing bone break. Severely broken ankle needs surgery for implanting plates, rods or screws.

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Ankle Replacement treatments abroad Ankle replacement surgery is the replacement of a damaged ankle joint with an artificial implant. The ankle joint (tibiotalar joint) is where your shinbone (tibia) rests on top of a bone of your foot, the talus. Arthritis can affect this joint as well as other joints in the foot. Over time, the smooth cartilage on the surface of the bones wears away. This can result in pain, inflammation, and swelling of your joint.  

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Shoulder Labrum Surgery abroad The three bones that make up the shoulder are the scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle (collarbone), and humerus (upper arm bone). A shallow, flat portion of the shoulder blade called the glenoid is where the labrum, a rubbery tissue, is found. The labrum's role is to create a cup-like shape known as the shoulder socket. The shoulder socket allows the arm to move normally.

Learn more about Shoulder Labrum Surgery

Hip Pain Treatment abroad Many people experience hip pain at some point in their life. It’s a condition that can be caused by a variety of issues. Knowing where your pain is coming from can give you clues to its cause.  Pain on the inside of your hip or groin is likely a problem within your hip joint. Pain on the outside of your hip, your upper thigh, or your outer buttocks is probably an issue with the muscles or other soft tissues around your hip joint.  Some of the most

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Osteochondrosis Treatment abroad Osteochondrosis is a family of disorders that affect bone growth in children and adolescents. The disruption of blood flow to the joints is often the cause. Though certain diseases in this family can affect older adults, they’re most likely to affect children and teenagers whose bones are still growing. Osteochondroses may cause pain and disability.   Physeal disease The main physeal disease is Scheuermann's disease, or juvenile kyphosis. Thi

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Metal Implant Removal abroad Hardware removals are among the most commonly performed surgical procedures worldwide. Current literature offers little data concerning postoperative patient satisfaction. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the patients’ point of view on implant removal.  

Learn more about Metal Implant Removal

Knee Ligament Surgery (MCL) abroad The most common knee ligament injury is an injury to the medial aspect of the knee. There are three main anatomic structures on the medial side of the knee, with the medial collateral ligament (MCL) being the largest and strongest. A large number of isolated MCL medial knee injuries are due to sporting events. They can be either a contact or non-contact stress to the outside of their knee, which in turn stretches or tears the medial knee structures on t

Learn more about Knee Ligament Surgery (MCL)

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