Dr. Ashish Sabharwal Urologist

Dr. Ashish Sabharwal


19 Years of Experience

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Delhi, New Delhi, India

  • Dr Ashish Sabharwal is a Senior Consultant in Urology / Andrology and Robotic Surgery. He is Board Certified in Urology.
  • After his urology residency in Apollo Hospital, he went to USA to do a highly coveted Endourology and Robotic Prostate Surgery fellowship in Jackson Health System, Miami, Florida, USA from 2008 to 2011. 
  • At Fortis Escorts Hospital, he is doing all the major complex surgeries that he was doing in USA. His special expertise is in Robotic Surgery to treat Prostate Cancer, Laser surgery for Enlarged Prostate, laser surgery for Kidney stone, treatment of erectile dysfunction including Penile Implants.
  • Dr. Ashish Sabharwal is Prostate Cancer Treatment and Robotic Surgery Expert. 
  • He has Performed over 2,000 + successful robotic prostate surgeries and as such, many regard him as the Best Prostate Surgeon and most experienced Robotic Surgeon in India.

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  • MS - General Surgery - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India, 2005
  • DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery - National Board Of Examination, 2014
  • MBBS - University Of Calcuta, India, 2000


9 procedures across 4 departments

Find Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment Abroad   Chronic kidney disease or  chronic kidney failure describes the gradual loss of kidney function over period of few months or year. Kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from  blood, which are then excreted in urine. In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, you may have few signs or symptoms and may not become apparent until your kidney function is significantly impaired. chronic kidney disease can

Learn more about Chronic Kidney Disease

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment abroad Erectile dysfunction is a usual problem where around 70% of males suffer this. In ED, males’ trouble in erection or holding the erection which might lead to decrease sexual urges, and heart disease. There are no specific symptoms for erectile dysfunction as it is natural if erection isn’t in control sometimes but, if someone is facing it regularly then it is a serious concern. Some controllable factors such as smoking, intake of alcohol, manag

Learn more about Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Kidney Stones Treatment abroad, A kidney stone may not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureter — the tube connecting the kidney and bladder. At that point, you may experience these signs and symptoms: Severe pain in the side and back, below the ribs Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity Pain on urination Pink, red or brown urine Cloudy or foul-smelling urine Naus

Learn more about Kidney Stones Treatment

Prostate Biopsy abroad A Prostate biopsy is a laboratory test that performs for the detection of prostate cancer in males. The Prostate gland is responsible for the production of a sticky fluid that helps in sperm transportation. It is a walnut-shaped gland only a Urologist can study as he achieves specialization in the field of male sex organ and urinary organ so that only they can perform a prostate biopsy. males should be regular for the screening test and regular check-ups as it helps in

Learn more about Prostate Biopsy

Prostate Cancer Treatment treatments abroad Prostate cancer, or carcinoma of the prostate, is the most common cancer type among men who are more than 50 years old. The symptoms of the disease could resemble the ones of a common disease called benign prostatic hyperplasia, and include difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and back, pelvis and penis pain while urinating. In order to detect cancer presence and differentiate it from other conditions, a biopsy will be mandatory. Several treat

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