Dr. Ashish Rai Aesthetics and Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ashish Rai

Aesthetics and Plastic Surgeon

18 Years of Experience

Jaypee Hospital, Noida, India

  • Currently associated with Jaypee hospital, Noida.
  • His area of interest are Aesthetic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Surgery of Nails.
  • Dr. Rai has more than twenty publications in national & international journals and textbooks to his credit.
  • He has also been a reviewer of International & National Journals.
  • In Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Dr. Rai is a subject expert for the faculty selection committee at various universities.
  • He has fellowship in Orthognathic Surgery from Recklinghausen, Germany  

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  • MBBS - Banaras Hindu University, 1997
  • DNB - General Surgery - National Board Of Examination, 2001
  • DNB - Plastic Surgery - National Board Of Examination, 2005
  • MS - Surgical - Banaras Hindu University, 2001

Awards and Recognitions




6 procedures across 3 departments

Find Breast Implants abroad with Mozocare  There are many types of implants available in various shapes and sizes, and patients should consult with an expert to determine what type of breast implant best matches their goals. A qualified plastic surgeon should be able to determine what the best technique and implant will be for the individual patient. They should also answer any questions the patient has about the procedure and what kind of realistic expectations they can have, as well as

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Find Breast Reconstruction abroad with Mozocare,

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Find Facelift abroad with Mozocare What is a facelift? A facelift (officially known as rhytidectomy) is a plastic and cosmetic procedure used to give an appearance of youthfulness to the face, removing or smoothing out the wrinkles and creases that make the face look aged and worn. As skin ages it loses its firmness and elasticity, resulting in sagging skin around the neck and jawline that many people find unappealing. In this case a facelift can reverse this process, tightening loose skin

Learn more about Facelift

Find Hair Transplant abroad with Mozocare A hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure which takes individual hair follicles from one part of the body (the donor area) and moved to a new area (the recipient area). It is most commonly used to treat male pattern baldness, but can also be used to restore eyelashes, chest hair, beard hair, or any other part of the body. Hair transplants can be used to fill in areas left bald by scarring, even surgical scars such as those left by face lift

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The information on this page was reviewed and approved by Mozocare team. This page was updated on 21 Aug, 2021.

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