Managing Cancer related Side Effects


Cancer treatment damages and changes the nails. Different cancer treatment affects the nails in different ways. Changes may occur soon after the treatment or few weeks to months after the first day of treatment.

Nail changes related to cancer or cancer treatment may be temporary, long-lasting, or permanent. Nail changes can also occur in non-cancer patients

Symptoms of Nail changes due to cancer treatment

Chemotherapy affects nail changes. Some of the changes in nails are –

Weak and brittle nails

Fingernails are more affected than toenails. Chemotherapy makes the nails weak and brittle. The nails may fall off during treatment. Certain chemotherapy medicines have more impact on nail loss compared to others.

Beau’s lines 

The colorless horizontal lines appear on the nails.


Apart from changes in color and lines on the nails, the shape of the nail changes. The nails of the fingers take the shape of a spoon or are concave-shaped. The spoon shape of the lungs commonly occurs in lung cancer.

Paronychia (painful infection around the nails)

Infection occurs when there is a decline in white blood cells due to chemotherapy.

Nail changes due to specific cancer treatment

Some treatments using specific drugs have a more severe effect on nail changes. Some of the therapies and drugs are –

Chemotherapy drugs

Common chemotherapy drugs causing nail changes are taxanes, anthracyclines, 5-fluorouracil.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy such as EFGR inhibitors causes changes in the nails. The change in the nail is different in targeted therapy when compared to chemotherapy.


Immunotherapy drugs cause inflammation in the skin and nails.

How to take care of nails during chemotherapy

Any infection during the cancer treatment needs immediate attention. Here are some of the tips that can save the mails during chemotherapy.

  • Keep the nails trimmed
  • Do not bite the nails. It enhances the risk of infection
  • Avoid cutting the cuticles as it increases the risk of infection
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Do not pull off the nails if it becomes weak. Instead, cover it with a bandage.
  • Put on the gloves while doing gardening or any other work

When to see a doctor

While undergoing chemotherapy if there are any changes in the fingernail or toenail, let your healthcare provider know about it. Report any sign of infection and any changes in the nails to your doctor.


Nail changes are common symptoms of chemotherapy. Know about the different forms of nail changes due to cancer and cancer treatment. Taking care of your nails is crucial in reducing the risk of infection.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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