Managing Cancer related Side Effects


The abnormal collection of fluids in soft tissues due to blockage in the lymphatic system is called lymphedema.

Lymph is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells. The lymphatic system helps the body fight infection. Lymphedema occurs when the fluid from lymph nodes is collected in the surrounding tissue and causes swelling (edema).

Lymphedema commonly occurs due to cancer treatment such as radiation therapy. Swelling of lymph nodes may occur even after the treatment is over. The most common site of lymphedema is the arms and legs. Other common sites are the neck, mouth, abdomen, face, and other body parts.

Specific cancers that cause lymphedema

Amongst various types of cancer, lymphedema commonly occurs as a side effect in bladder cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, penile cancer, head and neck cancer, melanoma, etc.

Effect of lymphedema on cancer patients

Lymphedema is a common side effect of cancer treatment such as radiation therapy or surgery. Cancer-related lymphedema is a result of-

  • Surgical removal of lymph nodes in cancer patients
  • A tumor that blocks the lymph system
  • An increase in white blood cells blocks the lymph flow
  • Cancer treatment

Sign and symptoms of lymphedema

  • Swelling in the upper extremities or lower extremities
  • Change in skin texture
  • Restricted movement of joints
  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Thick and hardened skin
  • Heaviness in the arms or legs
  • Blisters with leakage of fluid

Ways to manage lymphedema

There is no specific method to prevent lymphedema however there are various ways that can manage and prevent the risk of lymphedema.

Regular screening

Go for a regular check-up to screen lymphedema. Keep a track of the affected body parts. Your healthcare provider will suggest how frequently one should get the check-up done.

Inform your doctor of any changes

It takes time to recover from cancer. In the process of healing keep a note of changes in the body. the changes include color, temperature, skin condition, etc.

Be active

Be active and keep moving. This may help in draining the lymphatic fluid.

Prevent infections

Prevent infections by maintaining skin hygiene.

Educate yourself

Keep yourself updated with signs and symptoms of cellulitis. As it can worsen lymphedema.

Avoid tight clothes

Constricting legs and arms with tight clothes put pressure on the blood vessels and lymphatic system.

Use compression garments

Compression garments of proper fitting help prevent swelling. Follow the advice of your healthcare provider.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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