Managing Cancer related Side Effects

The balance of the body is the ability of the body to balance itself while standing, sitting, or moving. The problem of balance and falling is not just confined to age.

Cancer treatment drugs, pain killers, and other procedures for treating cancer might affect the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the center of the brain that keeps the body in balance. So cancer treatment possibly causes balance problems and falling.

Peripheral neuropathy might develop from chemotherapy. It also affects the balance of the body and weakens the lower extremities.

Prevalence of balance issue in cancer patients

Balance problem and falling is a common issue in cancer patients. It is one of the symptoms that need cancer screening.

Any change in the treatment of cancer or reduction of dosage results might result in balance issues and falling.

Symptoms of a balance problem in cancer patients

Balance problem in cancer patients is reflected in the following ways –

  • The steps are not regular
  • One requires support to walk steadily
  • Might fall
  • Slow and uneven steps
  • Feeling tired
  • Not able to do the routine work
  • Light-headedness while standing
  • Dizziness, whirling sensation

How to manage balance problem

Your healthcare provider will help you manage the balance problems. Given below are some of the signs and symptoms that signify your increased risk of falling.

  • Change in vision
  • Problem in bladder
  • Weakness in the muscles
  • Mental health problems
  • Low blood count
  • Any change in medication
  • Change in nutrition
  • Neuropathy
  • Any fall in the past

After studying all the factors, an appropriate approach is outlined to manage the balance problems and falling. Consulting a physiotherapist can help you with certain coordination exercises, strength training, etc. All these are beneficial to maintain balance and prevent falling.

How patients can help themselves

  • Take help if you feel weak or have a balance problem.
  • In case you are not able to walk, use a walker or wheelchair. Keep such equipment close to you.
  • If you fall let your caregiver know about it. So that future falls can be prevented.

Cancer treatment can cause peripheral neuropathy, balance problems, and falling. If you have such symptoms consult your healthcare provider. Switching medicines and certain exercises with supportive care can prevent balance problems and falls to a great extent.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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