Managing Cancer related Side Effects

By the end of a day, it is common to feel tired. Feeling weak due to tiredness is common and it goes away with proper sleep and meal. Many people think fatigue and tiredness is the same thing. Fatigue is a feeling of lack of energy to do any work, the whole body feels tired which is not relieved by sleep, eating food or drink.

Fatigue and weakness can last from few days to months. This can have adverse effect on a person’s day to day life.

Fatigue and weakness due to cancer

Fatigue caused due to cancer is termed as cancer fatigue. Fatigue is a common side effect of cancer that does not go away with a proper sleep. It may even last after the treatment is complete.

How cancer causes fatigue and weakness?

Cancer related fatigue is a result of cancer disease itself and also cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical procedures.

  • Fatigue caused due to cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy is not same in every person. It varies from person to person. Some might feel fatigue for few days and in some it may continue even after the treatment is complete.
  • Anemia results from decrease in red blood counts due to cancer treatment. With reduced red blood counts there is insufficient oxygen supply to the body parts. This causes fatigue and weakness.
  • Pain, medication, stress, low nutrition are some of the factors that causes fatigue and weakness in cancer patients. Bone marrow transplant, treatment for cancer causes fatigue that lasts for almost a year.
  • Hormonal changes, lack of sleep, lack of physical workout might cause fatigue and weakness.

Ways to manage cancer related fatigue and weakness

Various factors contribute to cancer related fatigue. Your healthcare provider will help you to cope up with the sign and symptoms of fatigue due to cancer.

1. Professional help

Taking professional help is beneficial to diagnose the underlying cause. With certain medication the symptoms can be managed and fatigue is relieved.

Managing pain in cancer patients decreases fatigue. Hence it is important to consult your doctor for better management of fatigue.

2.Help yourself

Various things can help cancer patients cope up with fatigue.

  • Take out some time for rest. Taking small naps is beneficial to cope with fatigue and weakness.
  • Keep moving and remain active. Light exercise can help you prevent fatigue while undergoing cancer treatment.
  • Take some supplements as it will fulfil the lack of nutrients in the body. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

Sharing your problem of cancer fatigue with your doctor can make a lot of difference in managing the symptoms. So, do not consider fatigue as a normal problem. Even a simple blood test can help eliminate fatigue as a cancer side effects.

About Mozocare

Mozocare is a medical access platform for hospitals and clinics to assist patients to access the best medical care at affordable prices. It offers medical information, medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, laboratory consumables, and other allied services.

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