
Skull Base Surgery from $19500

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses
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Skull Base Surgery Abroad

A surgical treatment to remove a tumor or any cancerous growth at the bottom of the skull is referred to as skull base surgery. Symptoms are facial pain, headache, numbness, hearing loss, ringing in ears, weakness of the face, etc. Diagnostic tests are endoscopy, CT scan, MRI, MRA, PET scan, and biopsy. Treatment for the disease can be minimally invasive surgery, open surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, gamma knife, proton beam therapy, and particle therapy. There are risks of bleeding, loss of smell, infection, numbness, etc., after surgery.

How much does it cost?

The average cost of skull base surgery is $5250.

Where can I find Skull Base Surgery abroad?

Skull base surgery from the renowned and experienced neurosurgeons plays a crucial role. Many people prefer to travel abroad for treatment. There are many certified clinics and hospitals around the world offering quality skull base surgery. At Mozocare you can find Skull Base Surgery in India, Skull Base Surgery in Thailand, Skull Base Surgery in Germany, Skull Base Surgery in Turkey, Skull Base Surgery in Mexico, etc.

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Hospitals for Skull Base Surgery
Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai
Wockhardt Super Specialty Hospital Mira Road $5185
Life Memorial Hospital
Kingsbridge Private Hospital
BGS Global Hospitals
Hirslanden Clinique Cecil
Landeskrankenhaus Villach
Queen Mary Hospital
American University Hospital of Beirut
Kardiolita Hospital

Best Hospitals for Skull Base Surgery

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