
Spine Surgery from $14900

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses

Spine Surgery is surgery done on the backbone. Earlier ' Open surgery ' used to be done in which a long incision around 5 inches was done down the back to gain access to muscles and anatomy of the spine, however, with time technological advancement had to lead to a new technique of Spine surgery that is called  Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

It is indicated by orthopedic surgeons when nonsurgical treatment procedures like Medications, Physiotherapy, Muscle strengthening exercise is not successful in relieving the back pain or the area require surgical treatment only to improve back pain.  

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery is comparatively less invasive than open surgery. It is a technologically advanced surgery in which less damage occurs to muscles because of the smaller incision. The recovery is comparatively fast and it is a safer procedure,  the patient is discharged early, less bleeding and pain are the few advantages of this type of surgery. 

Need Customized Treatment Plan

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery is done under local anesthesia, while open surgery is done under general anesthesia. As per the cause, your doctor would decide which type of surgery is indicated. 

In some cases, when MIS is not sufficient to treat the spine issues, open surgery is indicated. Most of the time it is uncommon, but sometimes when the first surgery with MIS doesn't give the desired results, the second procedure, traditional open surgery is conducted. 

The conditions that need spine surgeries 

Your doctor would identify the type of surgery you require. Few cases could not be treated by Minimally Invasive Surgery, as well as few hospitals don't have the necessary equipment required to do MIS thus they prefer Open Surgeries. Few conditions that might require spine surgery are –

  • Spondylolysis  ( this causes issues in lower vertebrae)
  • Tumor in the spine region 
  • Infection that needs surgery 
  • Narrow spinal region (spinal stenosis )
  • Disc issues like a herniated disc 
  • Fracture in any vertebra

Your healthcare provider would identify the cause that is causing back pain, depending upon the cause the type of surgery is planned. Your doctor would also plan the treatment depending upon your age, your overall health, whether you are having any comorbidities like uncontrolled diabetes, would ask you about the other medications you have taken or taking like painkillers as well as the medications you are taking for your other health problems. 

You would be advised to stop alcohol, and smoking and control your co-morbidities like hypertension and diabetes. Smoking and uncontrolled diabetes delay the healing process. 

You would also be advised for various investigations like X-ray, MRI (Magnetic Resonance imaging) they would help the doctor to plan your type of surgery.

Your orthopedic surgeon and his team after completing the pre-procedure requirements would plan your surgery. If Minimally Invasive surgery is planned the following is the procedure –

  • Local Anesthesia is given to numb the part that needs to be operated and thus your vitals like heart rate, blood pressure are monitored.
  • A small incision is given on the area that needs to be operated on your back and is retracted thus exposing the spine region.
  • The tiny camera and light are thus passed after retraction.
  • The surgery is done as per the need.
  • The incision is closed with stitches.

Minimally invasive spine surgeries show early recovery with good results. The incision being small prevents severe post procedure pain, there is limited blood loss, chances of infection reduces. Thus not many antibiotics and painkillers are advised.

Post-surgery, a small amount of fluid oozes out from the incision but you should not be worried about it as it is normal. But consult your doctor in case more fluid is leaked or you have severe and unbearable pain.

Cosmetically the results are also good due to the small incision.

Follow your doctor's instructions and meet him for follow-up consultations as advised by your doctor for best results post-surgery.

Spine Surgery FAQs

Spinal decompression includes different types of treatment that relieves back pain.

Spinal injury or any wear and tear of the spine causes back pain. The pain occurs due to pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Thus, spinal decompression releases the pressure and manage pain.

Spinal decompression treatment is done in conditions such as – • Herniated disks • Pinched nerves • Sciatica • Spinal stenosis • Degenerative discs • Bulging discs

Spinal compression may include – • Laminectomy or laminotomy • Foraminotomy or foraminectomy • Discectomy • Corpectomy • Osteophyte removal

There tests done to know the severity of the injury are – • Diskography • Bone scans • Diagnostic imaging (MRI, CT scan, X-ray) • Electrical tests

Medicines cause allergic reactions. Surgical procedures may have side effects such as bleeding, infection, tissue damage, blood clots or nerve damage.

Spinal decompression surgeries have a good success rate in pain relief. The method does not cure degenerative problems.

Cost of spinal decompression surgery may start from $4500, depending on the hospital or country you choose

Yes. Nonsurgical spinal decompression can be done.

Recovery after lumbar decompression surgery depends on the condition of the patient and his/her physical activity.

Hospitals for Spine Surgery
BLK-MAX Super Specialty Hospital
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute
Medanta - The Medicity
Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket
Max Super Specialty Hospital Shalimar Bagh
Fortis Hospital Mulund $4600
Wockhardt Hospital South Mumbai
Wockhardt Super Specialty Hospital Mira Road
Narayana Health: Health City Bangalore
CARE Hospitals, Hi-Tech City

Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery

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