
Eisenmenger's Syndrome Treatment  

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
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Eisenmenger's Syndrome Treatment Abroad

Eisenmenger’s syndrome cannot be cured but the treatment and other management can help ease the symptoms, stop the progression of the disease, prevent serious complications and improve the quality of life.

It is defined as a defect in the heart since birth causing left to right shunt, increases pulmonary blood flow and results in reversed direction of shunting and development of cyanosis.

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It is a rare condition that affects the organ heart and lungs. The characteristic feature of the disease is high blood pressure and abnormal blood flow from the heart to the lungs.

Eisenmenger’s syndrome is a serious condition that affects the organ heart. There is a narrowing of blood vessels that carry blood from heart to the lungs. As a result, the blood pressure increases too high. Subsequently the heart need to work harder to pump the blood in the lungs.

Eisenmenger’s syndrome patients are generally born with heart defect which was not corrected at early age. This untreated heart defect progresses to pulmonary vascular disease which is no longer curable.

Keep yourself hydrated
Patient must avoid hot, humid conditions as it may cause problem in Eisenmenger’s syndrome patient.

Quit tobacco and alcohol
Smoking is strictly contraindicated in Eisenmenger’s syndrome. Alcohol may worsen the heart function.

Avoid infections 
It is recommended to take flu shots and pneumonia vaccination periodically. 

Once you are diagnosed with Eisenmenger’s syndrome, the doctor will keep you under close observation to check the effect of medication if any. The medication may affect blood pressure, pulse rate and fluid levels.

The treatment varies depending upon the age and severity of the condition. Patients with no symptoms need to be evaluated periodically. 

Therapeutic approach to Eisenmenger’s syndrome is as given below-

  • Medicines to control irregular heart rhythms.
  • Iron supplements is recommended by the doctor if the level is low in the blood.
  • Blood thinning medicines such as aspirin, warfarin in case of blood clots, stroke, etc.
  • Medicines to relax blood vessels. 
  • Medicines to manage high blood pressure 
  • Antibiotics is recommended before undergoing certain medical procedure

Surgical approach
High red blood count may cause problem in vision, headache, etc. Your doctor may recommend the blood to be withdrawn to decrease the red blood cell count.

In severe cases when therapeutic treatment fails one may need heart and lung transplantation or lung transplantation. 

Eisenmenger's Syndrome Treatment FAQs

It is a serious multisystem disorder that is linked with serious complications such as hemoptysis, brain abscess, irregular heart rhythm, syncope.

Cyanosis, chest pain, able to feel your heart beat, coughing blood, headache, dizziness, breathlessness even at rest, numbness or tingling in fingers and toes are some of the sign and symptoms of the syndrome.

Some of the heart defects that can cause to Eisenmenger’s syndrome are – • Atrioventricular canal defect • Atrial septal defect • Patent ductus arteriosus • Ventricular septal defect

Patients with congenital heart disease which was not repaired before the age of 1 year old are at a higher risk of developing Eisenmenger’s syndrome.

Yes, there are complications associated with Eisenmenger’s syndrome. These may include – • Stroke • Brain abscess • Blood clots • Bleeding in the brain • Swelling in the joints • Kidney failure • Sudden death

Along with physical examination your doctor may use the following diagnostic tools – • Chest x-ray • Blood tests • Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) • Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) • Cardiac catherization • MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)

Consult your doctor as soon as your child develops the sign and symptoms of Eisenmenger’s syndrome.

The disease can be prevented if the defect in the heart is corrected at an early age.

One must avoid pregnancy if a woman has Eisenmenger’s syndrome. If a woman gets pregnant, she must be closely monitored and is advised to take bed rest.

With advanced treatment and skilled doctors, Eisenmenger’s syndrome patients are able to lead a long and better life. Educating yourself and right care is the key to have a better life with this disease.

The disease is a long-term complication found in patients with unrepaired heart defects. Generally, the person in born with heart defect. The organs affected are heart and lungs as there is abnormal blood circulation in these organs.

Hospitals for Eisenmenger's Syndrome Treatment
Metro Hospital and Heart Institute, Noida Sector 12
Apollo Hospital Ahmedabad
Bangkok Hospital
Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre
Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai
Apollo Hospital Hyderabad
Memorial Sisli Hospital
Fortis Hospital Vadapalani
HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch
European Medical Center (EMC)

Best Hospitals for Eisenmenger's Syndrome Treatment

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