

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
  • Rehabilitation cost after surgery
  • Insurance Coverage can affect a person's out of pocket expenses
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Apicoectomy treatments abroad

An apicoectomy might also be called a root-end resection and is a surgical procedure performed by an endodontist and involves opening the gum tissue and removing any inflamed or infected tissue and the very tip of the root of the tooth. The endodontist also cleans the root canal, and then stitches the gum back into place. Over the next month or so, the bone will regrow around the root tip. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthetic, so the patient is awake and alert but the area being treated is numbed. Patients are usually able to drive themselves after the procedure. The procedure itself may take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. An apicoectomy is usually necessary root canal treatment fails.

Apicoectomies are usually performed in an attempt to prevent the need for a tooth to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant. If the first root canal fails, a root canal retreatment may be attempted to locate the canals that were not thoroughly cleaned the first time but if the second fails, and apicectomy is usually the last resort. It may also be an option if the tooth has a crown or bridge, as a root canal may damage or destroy the restorative work, so an apicoectomy will be safer.

Which other popular Dentistry treatments are available abroad?

Patients travel abroad for dental surgery for a number of reasons. A common one is to find specialist care at affordable prices. Apicoectomy and other dentistry treatments are easy to find at quality clinics abroad. Tooth Filling abroad Crowns abroad Dental Implant abroad,

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Hospitals for Apicoectomy
HELIOS Hospital Hildesheim
Medicana Konya Hospital
Hospital Galenia
HELIOS Hospital Schwerin
Heidelberg University Hospital
Sarvodaya Hospital and Research Center
Antwerp Hospital Network ZNA
Apex Heart Clinic
Asian Heart Institute
JSC Medicina Clinic

Best Hospitals for Apicoectomy

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