

There are many factors that can affect the costs

  • Types of Surgery performed
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Choice of hospital & Technology
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All-on-4 treatments abroad

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a cost-efficient, graftless solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery.

  1. Full-arch rehabilitation with only four implants: Two axial anterior implants and two implants tilted up to 45º in the posterior
  2. Immediate Function (Fixed acrylic bridge) for patients meeting criteria for immediate loading of implants..
  3. A graftless procedure

What are All-On-4 Dental Implants?

All-on-four dental implants are designed to replace multiple teeth which have been severely damaged by tooth decay or impact trauma. It is also the most effective and long-lasting treatment for patients who are edentulous, meaning they are missing all their teeth. An all-on-4 dental implant can also be used when bone deficiencies in the patient's jaw do not allow for traditional implants to be inserted. All-on-4 dental implants are a permanent alternative to dentures. They also allow patients to feel hot and cold, bite with more force and are more comfortable. All-on-4 treatment has a 98% success rate and can be fitted in just a few days.

Why travel abroad for All-on-4 Treatment?

Many people from around the world unfortunately do not have many dental procedures, and particularly All-on-4 treatment, covered by their health insurance. This is particularly true for some Americans for example who are forced to pay high deductibles in their own country and therefore may not be able to afford All-on-4 treatment in the United States. Popular destinations for All-on-4 Treatment Mexico is home to a variety of accredited clinics providing dental care of the same quality as American clinics, but at the fraction of the price. Every year hundreds of thousand of Americans make the quick trip across the border to visit clinics which specialise in dealing with international patients. Likewise, thousands of Australians seek low-cost, quality dental care in places like Thailand - responsible for around 14% of all worldwide dental tourism. Within Europe, another well known country for dental treatment, like All-on-4, is Hungary .

How long will I need to stay abroad if I travel for All-on-4 treatment?

Generally patients stay in their chosen destination for 1 week and are required to make 2 trips. On patient's first trip they are fitted with a set of temporary false teeth and on their second, about six months later, these are replaced with a permanent opties. 


Need Customized Treatment Plan

The All-on-4 dental implant treatment was designed by Nobel Biocare, and is used to replace an entire upper or lower set of teeth. The procedure creates a permanent prosthesis by using four dental implants that act as an anchor for a bridge or overdenture of 12-to-14 teeth. The dentist performs or examines diagnostic tests (such as panoramic X-rays and a CT scan) to assess the patient's jaw bone density. These scans are then often followed up by computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (known as CAD/CAM) processes that plan the All-on-4 procedure and allow the dentist to precisely insert the dental implants into the jaw.

The All-on-4 treatment is recommended for patients with a full arch of missing teeth, or who are planning to have any remaining teeth removed and replaced with implants. It is ideal for patients who have lost teeth through a trauma or who All-on-4 offers a stable, long-term alternative to traditional dentures (which need to be removed every few years). In terms of time, replacing many teeth with single dental implants can take months. The All-on-4 procedure, on the other hand, can be fitted in a few days, usually spread over two visits to the dentist. Some clinics offer instant-load implants for the lower jaw (the upper jaw bone is not dense enough in the upper jaw), enabling patients to have new teeth straight away.

However, instant-load implants have lower success rates, usually because the implants are not given sufficient time to heal and, as a result, do not fuse correctly to the bone. Recommended for Persons who require a full arch of false teeth Persons who want to preserve the bone in their jaw Persons who seek an alternative and long-term solution to dentures Time requirements Average length of stay abroad 1 weeks. Number of trips abroad needed 2. During the first visit, patients are fitted with a temporary set of false teeth. They then return approximately six months later to replace these with a permanent option. All-on-4 can provide enough structural support for a full-arch prosthesis, even in patients with mild jawbone loss.

Time requirements Average length of stay abroad 1 weeks. Number of trips abroad needed 2. During the first visit, patients are fitted with a temporary set of false teeth. They then return approximately six months later to replace these with a permanent option. Time requirements Average length of stay abroad 1 weeks. Number of trips abroad needed 2. During the first visit, patients are fitted with a temporary set of false teeth. They then return approximately six months later to replace these with a permanent option. All-on-4 can provide enough structural support for a full-arch prosthesis, even in patients with mild jawbone loss.,

Before receiving All-on-4, the patient needs to have enough bone to support the implants. If there is not enough bone, a bone graft will be needed.

When traveling abroad to receive an All-on-4 procedure, patients should send the dentist any recent diagnostic tests they have completed, including CT scans and dental X-rays, as well as any other dental or medical records that may be relevant. This helps the dental clinic to provide an accurate treatment cost estimate.,

The first stage of All-on-4 involves the four dental implants being placed into the upper or lower jawbone. Two implants are placed vertically where a person's incisors are, and two implants are placed, at a 45-degree angle, where the posterior teeth usually lie.

The 45-degree angle allows the implants to make optimal use of available bone. A provisional prosthesis is then attached straight away. The second (final) stage of the procedure is performed approximately six months later, once the implants have healed and integrated with your jaw. A permanent solution such as a dental bridge or removable overdenture is attached.

Anesthesia Local anesthesia is most commonly used, sometimes in conjunction with sedative medication. Procedure duration The All-on-4 takes 2 to 4 hours. The four dental implants sit underneath a bridge or overdenture, which look like natural teeth.,

Post procedure care In the first three-to-six months following the first procedure, the mouth will be healing and the bone and gums change shape to adapt to the new fixture. During this time, patients should exercise extreme caution if eating hard or very chewy foods. Patients generally should place as little pressure as possible on the implants, so the bone can heal well.

The dentist can provide advice on exactly what should or should not be eaten during this time. It is essential that patients follow the dentist's advice and guidance as failure to do so can result in the jaw bone not healing correctly, which can lead to a number of risks (listed below). Possible discomfort Patients should expect considerable discomfort and swelling after the procedure.

For most, the worst of the pain subsides after a week. After the first procedure, the temporary prosthesis may feel a little uncomfortable or like it does not quite fit correctly. This is quite common but is natural while the gums and the jawbone heals. The permanent solution (dental bridge or overdenture), received at the second appointment, will feel stronger and more natural.,

All-on-4 FAQs

 By tilting the two posterior implants, the bone-to-implant contact is enhanced, providing optimized bone support even with minimum bone volume. Additionally, tilting of implants in the maxilla allows for improved anchorage in better quality anterior bone. Furthermore, the implant design from Nobel Biocare allows bicortical anchorage in the cortical bone of the sinus wall and the nasal fossa.  Tilting of the posterior implants also helps avoid vital structures and results in a better distribution of implants along the alveolar crest, which optimizes load distribution and allows for a final prosthesis with up to 12 teeth.  Nobel Biocare offers straight as well as 17° and 30° angled Multi-unit Abutments for all Nobel Biocare implants. The abutments are available with various collar heights to match the thickness of the soft tissue. With the All-on-4® treatment concept, patients that meet the criteria for immediate loading can also benefit from an immediate implantsupported all-acrylic restoration, as a provisional prosthesis is screwed onto the implants right after surgery. Final solutions include both fixed and fixed-removable prostheses.

Restoring more than a smile The All-on-4® treatment concept provides edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on four implants on the day of surgery. This quickly leads to improved patient satisfaction with regards to:  Function  Esthetics  Sense  Speech  Self-esteem This makes it an attractive and potentially life-changing treatment option for patients. Shorter time-to-teeth Two key elements significantly reduce treatment complexity, the number of surgeries, and the overall treatment time: 1. Tilting of the posterior implants avoids the need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures; 2. Immediate loading with a fixed provisional prosthesis shortens time-to-teeth Lower costs The All-on-4® treatment concept is not only the least time-consuming treatment option, it’s also the least costly in comparison with conventional implant treatment methods for the edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous jaw using two-stage surgery.

The All-on-4 procedure is a full mouth restoration that replaces an entire set of teeth with a permanent prosthesis that is anchored to 4 dental implants in the jaw.

Most of the time, 4 implants are used. If it to be necessary after accessing the specific situation,6 or 8 implants used to ensure the strength and longevity of your new teeth.

The All-on-4 prosthesis is similar to dentures in that it is a full set of teeth that rests against the gum line, but it is not removable the way dentures are and they can be treated like natural teeth. They are brushed normally and should not loosen when eating

The All-on-4 surgery is virtually painless. After the numbness wears off, the patient will experience a little swelling and soreness that will last a few days.

All-on-4 implants tend to look more natural than other dental implants because it is a full set of prosthetic teeth, so there is no "fake" tooth next to a "real" one to compare it to. Some patients report a problem with a gap between the prosthetic and the gum line but this can be corrected.

Success rate is 98% as per published information

The cost of an All-On-4 Procedure varies from patient to patient. Cost ranges from $7000-$18000

The artificial teeth or "prostheses" used in All-on-4 are made out of porcelain or acrylic, similar to dentures.

The restoration performed during the All-on-4 procedure is permanent as any remaining teeth in the treatment area will be removed before the implants are placed.

Yes. It is possible, and clinics like Costa Rica Bluezone offer this. The advantage is that the treatment can be finished in one trip abroad, and the patient will have esthetical results straight away. The disadvantage is that to avoid putting pressure on the implants, the patient is advised to follow a liquid diet for one month

Hospitals for All-on-4
BLK-MAX Super Specialty Hospital
Sarvodaya Hospital and Research Center
Antwerp Hospital Network ZNA
Apex Heart Clinic
Asian Heart Institute
JSC Medicina Clinic
Netcare N1 City Hospital
King's College Hospital
Jordan Hospital & Medical Center
Primus Super Specialty Hospital

Best Hospitals for All-on-4

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