
Acne Treatment from $500

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Acne Treatment treatments abroad

Acne is a skin condition which is appears when the glands become blocked by skin cells, hair and sebum. Although acne is a common issue that many people will encounter, severe acne can be debilitating for self-esteem and confidence, and cause further skin problems. When acne becomes severe, professional treatment may be need to alleviate the symptoms.

There are many different types of acne treatment depending on the severity of the acne. For more milder forms, a cream will usually be used alongside a course of antibiotics or anti-inflammatories. In severe cases, light therapy is used to kill bacteria on the face and reduce swelling. If an outbreak of acne is caused by hormones, a course of an oral contraceptive pill is often prescribed.

Where can I find dermatology treatment abroad?

Dermatology Clinics in Spain Spain is one of the best destinations in the world for dermatology treatment, with clinics in cities such as Alicante, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona all offering quality acne treatment.

Dermatology Clinics in Thailand Though Thailand is more well-known for its dental and cosmetic surgery procedures, there are also many clinics in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket providing acne treatment. Dermatology Clinics in Turkey Turkey is a popular destination for patients from across Europe looking for dermatology treatments. Clinics in Istanbul, Antalya and Ankara, offer quality, affordable acne treatment.,

Need Customized Treatment Plan

Acne is caused by the oil glands in the skin becoming blocked by sebum, skin cells and hair. Most people will suffer with a degree of acne in their lives, but for some it can be severe and can cause low self-esteem. For patients with very severe or persistent acne, treatment can help alleviate symptoms and reduce scarring. Popular treatments for acne include medication, topical creams and gels, and light or laser therapy to treat the acne. Recommended for Specialist acne treatment can help people with severe or persistent acne. Time requirements Number of trips abroad needed 6. The amount of trips abroad varies with each patient and depends on the course of treatment. Acne can appear in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps or as cysts. Time requirements Number of trips abroad needed 6. The amount of trips abroad varies with each patient and depends on the course of treatment. Time requirements Number of trips abroad needed 6. The amount of trips abroad varies with each patient and depends on the course of treatment. Acne can appear in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps or as cysts.,

Patients should consult with the dermatologist to establish which course of treatment is best for them.,

The type of acne treatment varies with each patient and on the basis of the type of acne which they have. For mild acne, topical creams and gels which contain retinoid are usually recommended to unclog the pores. This treatment may be combined with an antiobiotic which targets the bacteria and reduces the redness and inflammation of the acne. For patients who have acne which is triggered by hormones, usually teenage girls and women, a combined oral contraceptive pill may be prescribed to control the hormones, and reduce the outbreaks of acne.

Patients who are suffering with severe acne, may undergo light or laser therapy to treat the acne. With some light therapies, a medication may be applied to the face and then pulses of light, which is most often blue light, is applied to the area to kill the bacteria, as well as to reduce the inflammation and swelling. Light therapy usually requires several sessions. Materials Treatments include a number of active ingredients. Some treatments include: Resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, Retin-A and azelaic acid among others. Acne treatments range from the use of creams and gels, antibiotics, medication, and light therapy.,

Post procedure care In the most severe cases, patients may be prescribed Isotretinoin which requires ongoing monitoring while the patient is taking the drug.,

Acne Treatment FAQs

You should discuss any prescription-strength or oral acne treatments with your doctor if you are pregnant, may be pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant. Most topical acne treatments (ones applied to your skin) are safe as only small amounts of the active ingredient is absorbed into the body.

Some over-the-counter acne treatments may cause dry skin, which can lead to worsening acne

How effective an acne treatment is depends a lot on the cause of the acne. Your doctor will determine what type of acne you have and can recommend the best treatment options for your unique situation.

Hospitals for Acne Treatment
BLK-MAX Super Specialty Hospital
Klinik Hirslanden
Clinique de Genolier
Medeor 24x7 Hospital Dubai
Netcare Linksfield Hospital
Bellevue Medical Center
Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital
As-Salam International Hospital
Asian Hospital and Medical Center
Sri Ramachandra Medical Center

Best Hospitals for Acne Treatment

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