Hodgkin Lymphoma yn bern en adolesinten

Mozocare wurde NABH-sertifisearre

Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is diagnosed in most patients between the ages of 15 and 34. It is very rare in infants. Children and adolescents with HL have special needs for their treatment and care. 

Usually, specialized cancer centers for children and adolescents are best equipped to address these needs. These centers offer the advantage of having doctors called “pediatric oncologists,” who specialize in treating children with cancer and therefore understand their unique needs.
It is important for parents of children diagnosed with HL to talk to members of the oncology team about the:

  • Specific subtype of the disease
  • Fase fan 'e sykte
  • Risk of treatment-related fertility issues
  • Oare risikofaktoaren

Table of Contents

What Are treatment approaches are used for children with Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL)

Doctors use all of this information about the patient’s disease to determine the most effective treatment approach. They can develop treatment plans that limit the amount of therapy required to bring about remission. It is important for adult patients and parents of children who will be undergoing treatment to discuss their children’s planned therapy with members of the oncology team in order to learn about the treatment schedule and the drugs that will be used, as well as their potential side effects and long-term effects.

Usually, one or more of the following treatment approaches are used for children with HL:

  • chemotherapie
    Image-begeliede radioterapy
  • Targeted therapy (monoclonal antibodies)
  • Surgery (if doctors believe that a mass can be completely removed)
  • High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation

What are various drug combinations used for Children and adolescents with Hodgkin Lymphoma

Children and adolescents are treated with dose-intensive regimens that are adjusted based on monitoring of early treatment response. The following is a list of just some of the many drug combinations used:

  • ABVE—Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), bleomycin (Blenoxane®), vincristine, etoposide
  • ABVE-PC—Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), bleomycin (Blenoxane®), vincristine,
    etoposide (Etopophos®), prednisone, cyclophosphamide
  • Eskalearre BEACOPP—bleomycin (Blenoxane®), etoposide (Etopophos®),
    Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine,
  • COPP/ABV—cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone,
    Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), bleomycin (Blenoxane®), vinblastine
  • VAMP/COP—vincristine, Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), methotrexate and
    prednisone alternating with cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone
  • Stanford V—Adriamycin® (doxorubicin), vinblastine, mechlorethamine
    (Mustargen®), vincristine, bleomycin (Blenoxane®), etoposide (Etopophos®),

Children may experience treatment-related side effects, both in the short and long term. Some effects include second cancers, cardiovascular disease, hypothyroidism and fertility issues. Side effects can affect learning, growth, cognitive development and psychosocial development. These and other possible long-term and late
effects can be managed. 

When children return to school, families will face new challenges because their main focus, up to that point, had been getting through treatment. By being aware of possible side effects, parents can work with school personnel to help their children cope and manage their schoolwork.

Wat oars moat ik witte?

When you are diagnosed the first thing to do would be to get a treatment plan from your doctor. This treatment plan may be very specific to your case considering the stage of HL and its severity. Once you get your treatment plan instead of heading for a treatment right away, a better thing to do would be to seek a second opinion. The second opinion will not only confirm the diagnosis but will also help you explore various treatment options.

Nei't jo klear binne mei it nimmen fan in twadde miening en ree binne om te hâlden oan in behannelingplan, moatte jo miskien ek in diëtist rieplachtsje om in list op te lizzen mei dieetwizigingen dy't jo moatte meitsje.

Hoe gean ik foarút mei behanneling?

Jo kinne begjinne troch te sykjen nei guon fan 'e ferneamde sikehûzen yn kankerbehanneling yn jo buert. As de kosten foar behanneling fan bloedkanker te heech binne yn jo heitelân is d'r gjin kwea by it sykjen nei lannen mei goedkeapere opsjes. Bygelyks, de kosten foar leukemy-behanneling yn Yndia binne folle betelberder dan dy yn westerske lannen. Yndia is ek it thús fan guon fan 'e bêste en meast erfarne hematologen en onkologen yn' e wrâld. Nei Yndia gean foar behanneling fan bloedkanker soe ekonomysk wêze, wylst jo kwaliteitsmedyske behanneling leverje.

Wat moatte jo sykje as jo earne oars behannele wurde?

Reizgje nei in oare regio of in oar lân hielendal, foar behanneling klinkt miskien yntimidearjend, mar as it goed dien wurdt, kin it jo de foardielen jaan fan kwaliteitssoarch en betelbere útjeften.
Jo bêste weddenskip is om te sykjen nei renommearre sikehûzen mei goede foarsjenningen, ynfrastruktuer, en vooral betûfte onkologen.

Wat as ik help nedich?

As jo ​​​​kieze om behannele te wurden yn oare lannen, sykje dan nei organisaasjes dy't jo allround stipe kinne biede, fan begelieding en konsultaasjes om te helpen by it finen fan de juste sikehûzen.
Lykas hjirboppe neamde, binne de kosten foar leukemy-behanneling yn Yndia in fraksje fan wat it jo earne oars sil kostje, dus as jo kieze om behannele te wurden yn Yndia, sykje dan nei ferlykbere organisaasjes of stipegroepen.
Mozocare, in fêststeld medysk reisbedriuw kin jo helpe mei it heule proses fan firtuele oerlis oant help oangeande twadde mieningen, en jouwe jo in skatting fan 'e totale útjeften fan behanneling fan bloedkanker yn Yndia. It bedriuw bestiet út in heul erfarne team fan dokters dy't pasjinten fan oer de hiele wrâld begeliede dy't behanneling fan topkwaliteit sykje tsjin betelbere prizen.